I have an early morning hunt in woodchuck country, so I will leave these:
"Festishism puts the kibosh on an upsurge"? Is that English? Or Eskimo?
Speaking of Eskimo, how is a Palin t-shirt racist? Sheesh. She married an Eskimo, for heaven's sake.
Beware of asking Obama a difficult question. They will rip your head off. More on the Army of Joes, at Jules. I am a Joe.
Proof of fraudulent votes. Ace has a skull in flames.
Selling soap, and creating fear. New, improved FEAR!!! Fear sells!!!!
Where Caligula bought the farm.
Call me when it's ready. Chicken-fried Chicken. I want mashed potatoes on the side, and biscuits. Nothing green, please. Do I look like a rabbit?
David Brooks has an Obama wet dream. What is it with these straight guys and Obama?
The Eve of Destruction. Not yet. Man, that was an idiotic song.
I cannot keep up with MSM lies and keep my new job and pay my taxes at the same time. Thanks to Confed Yank, here and here.
Why so many conservatives have to be from Wasilla
It's the Iranian caviar that gets me