National (single-payer) Lawn Care: An Immigration Solution
Is "non-partisan" ACORN working for Obama? They even say they are. That's our tax dollars. Here's the Mickey Mouse registration. These people are shameless.
Why government health care won't reduce employers' costs
Jesse ("Hymietown") Jackson: Obama will get the "Zionists" out of government. More: Time for the Jews to move aside. The Jews are the problem, aren't they? Surely not the dysfunctional, self-destructive and hate-filled Palestinians.
Obama's already in an 8th Grade textbook. That's "audacity."
Obama funneled money to Afrocentric anti-American extremists. Well I'll be doggoned. Related: How Obama sold out education to "the Revolution."
Shelby Steele on minority groupthink
Here's a guy I would vote for.
Did Bill Ayers ghostwrite Obama's books?
WaPo: McCain is a right-wing extremist. I wish.
For McCain, it's the times, not the man. Same thing for Obama, I think.