We found Ars Psychiatrica via Dr. X.
He seems like a thoughtful, literate, and kind person - and one of us Psychiatrists who is still willing to regard many human problems as problems of the soul and spirit rather than of "chemical imbalances."
I deeply disagree with his (and Dr. X's) apparent political views, but that's fine with me. Debate is good. Ars P posted a piece on Psychiatrists' coziness with drug companies. He may have a point, but I have never seen this sort of issue in Boston. Furthermore, in my view, Lexapro is manna from heaven for our patients. The guy appreciates Dylan, so he's OK in our book.
On a related topic, Frontal Cortex looks at "rival bits of tissue contradicting eachother." Yes indeed. It's called "conflict," and it's just one more of those burdens of consciousness.