Not impressed by either guy's knowledge or grasp of the issues. Obama seems to fake it, understanding little but covering it up with style like a used car dealer. I think he's a slick phony. (Bill Clinton was slick, but not a phony.) McCain knows about foreign affairs, but that's about it, and he lacks vigor it would seem. In sum, McCain helped himself a little, and Obama just showed, again, how little depth he has. I hate to admit it, but these guys make Hillary look good and McCain looks like Dole redux - which I was afraid of. Both of them clueless, in my humble opinion.
neoneo: "A double train wreck"
The end of race as we know it. Chronicle
McGovern: Obama is too radical
Coming to your neighborhood soon: released Gitmo terrorists
Obama's fishy $200 million
Ohio: bussing the homeless to vote
The current state of history teaching. Tiger
UN Socialists exploit financial crisis. Pols do tend to exploit crises for their own agendas, don't they?
Discouragement about the election via Kathryn Jean Lopez. A quote:
My family and I will suffer serious financial hardship over the next 4 years. Obama has no understanding of those of us who work 80 hour weeks, spend countless nights away from our families to provide a good life for them and aren’t some notorious CEO’s (could that guy from Lehman be a bigger idiot?). Gov. Romney’s speech at CPAC and Gov. Palin in this campaign are the only two people that I have seen that speak to us who bust our backsides to support our family, don’t want Government to give us anything and understand what we are all about.