Bush's Biggest Failure: Managing the press and public opinion - I agree with the Prof.
Thomas Sowell turned 75 and reviews the travails of those years.
The US-India Defence Pact: Under-reported important event, in Winds of Change: Click here: Winds of Change.NET: The Alliance: U.S. & India Sign Major 10-Year Defense Pact
The top 2% in income pay over 50% of the total US taxes. But some folks, like the Kerry's pay far less than their share. Why? Probably tax-free munis, right? Click here: Brainster's Blog
The Red Tide recedes. Good.
Why did New London need this Eminent Domain? (and why does Fox News keep calling it Imminent Domain?) Brewton in View from 1776:
“Cities like Utica and New London, Connecticut, the subject of the Supreme Court decision, are in trouble, not because of lack of urban planning, but because of high taxes, excessive regulation, and a generally anti-business, socialistic public policy. What they need is fewer labor unions and fewer liberal-socialist citizens who have become addicted to massive, and ferociously expensive, public welfare programs that run the gamut from money thrown unaccountably down the rat hole of public education (read teachers’ union perks), to mandatory, all-inclusive insurance benefits to workers. In short, ongoing operating costs are just as important in determining business locations as their land costs.
Indeed. Just like Africa. The politicians create the mess, and then call for help.
The Kennedy Quagmire: Man, does he hope it's a quagmire. In my opinion, it's what you call "difficult." Lots of things in life are difficult, but being a politician isn't one of them. Sinecures for the brain-dead. Gelertner explains why Kennedy talk is so destructive to the country.
"Hail Seizers." The NYT hails the government land-grabbers, with one astonishing quote: " a setback to the 'property rights' movement." Huh? Sullum at Town Hall.
Replacing Sandra Dee: The blogs and news are full of speculation and tea-leaf-reading, so we will not add to the fog. It's all filler until we know what POTUS wants to do.
Concept Albums: Vodkapundit reviews the concept and lists the 5 best...but unaccountably omits Blonde on Blonde and Sargent Pepper.
The lovely, witty, but doubtless scary-to-date Ann Coulter explains how porn and religion have switched places in our culture, or at least in our legal culture.
News=Propaganda, In Minneapolis - Capt's Quarters