How do you think Sarah did? Many Dems were impressed.
Tape of it on previous post today. (That t-shirt is available via here)
As Lifson said yesterday:
The same sort of swells who laugh at Sarah Palin as trailer trash categorized Ronald Reagan as an amiable dunce when in a charitable mood, spelled his name Ray-Gun, and felt ashamed to have a graduate of Eureka College, not some Ivy League campus, representing America on the world stage.
Ronald Reagan never let the contempt of the cultural, literary and journalistic elites bother him. He simply spoke over their heads directly to the American people. And changed the world. In Sarah Palin, we may well have a figure able to do the same.
The Left and the Dems have merged. Strange how that happened. Bill Clinton just stood there with his finger in the dike.
NYC drives away its middle class; Houston doesn't. Glaeser in City Journal
The Guide to Top U.S. Colleges for Conservatives, Old-Fashioned Liberals, and People of Faith
From Coyote: "I have written on a number of occasions that I thought it odd that the left (and women's groups in particular) don't see a contradiction between their support for government health care and their long-held abortion beliefs that people should be free of government coercion when it comes to decisions about their body and their health." Read the sad story from the NHS.
Solar panels: check the numbers before buying
Is 3-D printing on the way? Totally cool.
How's your sex life? Quiz.
Women often pick men who look like Dad
Brit bien pensants sacrifice their kids on altar of "common good"
A quote from a home-schooler, at Pajamas:
We believe everything you need to know about parenting can be gleaned from Little House on the Prairie. Growing up in wildly dysfunctional households, we both learned that you can do much worse than the Ingalls family. We decided when we got married that our home would be better than what we knew as children. The foundation is love, order, and relentless application of rules like: Eat all your vegetables, and Mind your manners, and Don’t push your brother’s head into the toilet.
Private tuition hits $50,000/year
Tiger notes the news that AGW causes cooling. Athlete's foot, too.
E.D. Hill, FOX fox and mother of 8, wrote a book about being a parent.
Will the Hadron Collider kill us all? I sure hope not. That would be a bummer.
Dick Morris: Attacks on Palin certain to backfire. Related: A Lib is ashamed of these attacks. Related: Joe Biden says Palin is qualified for the job. Related: It's a deep rot in the press. Related: Press infallibility
Related: Note subtle propaganda in photos below (h/t, Dust My Broom):