Is marriage really for white people?
Obama says he will remake the world. Gimme a break. Related: "Citizen of the world"? And Here's Roger Kimball:
When I first encountered Obama’s rhetoric, my chief feeling was one of mild nausea. Over time, feelings of alarm have outstripped the nausea: Obama’s clichés, I realized, were not simply, not only, empty platitudes. They were also menacing adumbrations of a megalomaniac narcissist who really did believe he was a man of destiny and wouldn’t have the slightest hesitation about embarking on the effort to “remake the world.”
All that is worrisome enough. Combined with the utter lack of critical perspective—rather, combined with the stunning adulation–accorded to Obama by the so-called mainstream press and you have a recipe for disaster.
The invention of Scotland. NY Sun
Strange "bias incident" at U of Minnesota
The new Housing Bill hammers the taxpayer
Al Gore refuted, by Patrick Michaels