A lonely candidate: McCain was met by just
one reporter on his arrival in New Hampshire today. Probably a local stringer, too. All the national guys are following the celebrity
Madonna Britney Lindsay Lohan Obama. They did this with Bill Clinton too. Watch them make McCain invisible.
Meanwhile, we have Obama Uber Alles. And we have showtime with fake interviews in the Middle East. Good grief.
This isn't a campaign. It's pure Hollywood. When the guy has no script or isn't expounding platitudes to the adoring masses, he speaks pure mush-mouth gobbledlygook that makes you ask "What the heck did he say?" He is a natural performer as long as you don't ask him a question.
This election season is becoming surreal. The press only acted like they loved McCain because he was a Repub "maverick" - so they would look "balanced." We all knew that would happen. Now they want the real deal - a camera-friendly extreme Leftist.
Can you imagine the reportage if McCain had been associated with right-wing bombers?
As American Thinker notes:
An analysis of federal election records shows that the amount of money journalists contributed so far this election cycle favors Democrats by a 15:1 margin over Republicans, with $225,563 going to Democrats, only $16,298 to Republicans .
235 journalists donated to Democrats, just 20 gave to Republicans -- a margin greater than 10:1. An even greater disparity, 20:1, exists between the number of journalists who donated to Barack Obama and John McCain.
Searches for other newsroom categories (reporters, correspondents, news editors, anchors, newspaper editors and publishers) produces 311 donors to Democrats to 30 donors to Republicans, a ratio of just over 10:1. In terms of money, $279,266 went to Dems, $20,709 to Republicans, a 14:1 ratio.