Did you happen to hear that Obama is going to Europe? Wow. Related: Earn your halo. Related: Narcissism and the humor deficit: Driscoll. Related: Cast of 100s advise Obama on foreign policy. Related: The audacity of vanity. Related: Whoever you are, I surrender. What planet do I live on? Am I an alien? As Tammy says:
When I say this man is the most dangerous candidate for president we may have ever seen, I mean it. The disarmament agenda he spews in this video is classic George Soros theory aimed at knocking America into a second-world country, putting us at grave risk to tyrannical regimes around the world. It is craven self-loathing, aimed at ending the future of our country, capitalism and liberty. And imagine, Obama says these things with the world at war and as genocidal regimes continue to build their bombs despite 'promising' not to do so, or being 'banned' from doing so.
Ohio family forced to scrimp on food. Good grief.
Al Gore just won't go away.
The end of the black American narrative. American Scholar
Utterly out of reality: Pelosi stands firm against drilling for oil. What's the point? Related: The tug o' war: Bush drives gas prices down, Dems drive them up.