A new Watteau has been found, hanging in a corner in an English country house (image on the right). A good chance to remember that artist.
Who was the real first Bozo?
The WTC hole and the politics of "can't do".
A New Declaration of Independence. Purcell at Front Page
Al Qaida defeated in Iraq. Ace: We are winning. Iraqis lead final purge.
Related: The Taliban have a plan. Not a very good one, though.
It must suck to be Joe Wilson today. More on Saddam Hussein's nuclear program at Am Thinker
Sarkozy wants to turn screw on the Irish. Didn't the French referendum also vote down the EU "Treaty"?
Via David Thompson, Abandoned Hotels
Freedom of photography in the UK.
Re yesterday's post on biofuels, How many orangutans per mile?
Rocket fuel needed. McCain tries yet another campaign "relaunch"
Liberal imperialism? A lib wishes the empire had held together.
Obama changing essentially all of his campaign messages. This displeases the NYT. Good update by Viking. He's flipped on the Iraq war, on foreign policy in general, on loving America, on welfare reform, and on abortion in the past four days. More to come.