Brits regulate salt shakers. Has anybody considered that these government people just don't have enough to do? Related idiocy: European travel space requirements.
McCain's Universalism vs. Obama's Particularism.
Something hit us in 1908
In France, it's the reputation, stupid. Do we live in a post-factual world? Related: Mr. Valiant for Truth.
Oil makes us sick? Excuse me: oil is wonderful stuff.
In Congress, the guilty interrogate the innocent. Reisman
Going places. Mr. Obama is going to travel to Europe this summer. How nice for him. A broadening experience and all that, you know? Apparently he has never gone anywhere, despite making millions over the past few years. Related: Obama's real patriotism problem. Hey - we all know this guy doesn't have a patriotic bone in his body. He only sees the negative, as the effete elite like to do. That's allowed - it's a free country - but I am not sure it's a Presidential attitude, or an attitude that appreciates our country's history or its spirit.