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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, February 26. 2008Tuesday Links
Why is eating meat unacceptably patriarchal? Religion shopping in America Deer-resistant plantings. Global warmists try to stifle debate. John Fund The economy, bad decisions, and the endless pursuit of stuff, quoted from Free Republic:
No more Mr. Nice Guy: Clinton to throw kitchen sink at Obama Female sexual predators. Why should that be puzzling? Having fun with hippies And speaking of firearms, the Prof likes this wheelgun. And speaking of hippies and weapons, here's a good example of how our MA intelligentsia thinks. Detroit schools. Quote from Surber:
Posted by The News Junkie
in Hot News & Misc. Short Subjects
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I bought The Sexual Politics of Meat : A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory
http://www.amazon.com/Sexual-Politics-Meat-Feminist-Vegetarian-Critical/dp/0826411843 long ago, just for the title. I think I pulled a couple of quotes from it, but can't find them at the moment. The reader reviews are better than the book, and available immediately. Don't feel like you're alone. When I was in college I bought a record album by a group called "Boa Constrictor and Natural Vine", knowing for sure I'd just discovered the next power group. (of course I hadn't heard the record).
It sucked. But the cover had great graphics so I kept it. I'm waiting for their reunion tour so I can get it autographed. Economic news from today's headlines
Dear Santa Obama, Please say your magic words and fix all of this in one day. Love, Little Jimmy • Consumer confidence weakens significantly • Foreclosures up 57 percent in the past year • Key home price index shows record decline • Home Depot’s profit drops 27.5 percent • Home sales fall to lowest level since '99 • More top economists see recession • Google Inc. shares falling more than 6% following a report suggesting a slowdown in the online giant's paid-click growth rates. • Q4 2007 U.S. banking profits lowest in 16 years • Economic Report: U.S. February consumer confidence plummets • If you think gasoline is expensive, check out the price of a slice of pizza -- or a bagel, for that matter. Flour costs that have more than doubled in the past few weeks have caused prices for those popular items to skyrocket by as much as 25% in just a short period of time. Cheer up it could be worse....so I cheered up and sure enough it got worse. and i'm 55 and haven't had my teeth straightened yet, and i'm still driving a 15 year old nonstatus auto that was paid for with cash
So, there I was a few minutes ago, reading the John Fund article on (what used to be) OpinionJournal, when I come across this:
"The authors of the blog Real Climate don't engage the issues raised by the conference but instead attack it as stuffed with shills. When Heartland experts tried to respond to those charges, they were blacklisted from the comments section of the Real Climate Web site." I think to myself, hmm, that name sounds familiar. I come over here, go back two main pages, and bingo: Two climate-related blogs we check regularly: Climate Debate Real Climate - The News Junkie, 2/17/08 So, one of your "regular" reads is a global alarmist site and you give the link to your readers without commentary, thereby endorsing it? And we note you used the term "we", not "I", therefore do we conclude at the end of the day that the bloggers at Maggie's Farm collectively agree that man is an earth-crippling beast and should be destroyed?? My, how those rumors get started. Say, isn't blogging fun? And those readers! What a bunch! Always there, being so helpful and friendly. And those memories they have! You can't SPIT without someone jotting down the time & date. Sneak in a link to a left-wing blogsite run by a bunch of nutcase liberals, hope nobody notices, and, the next thing ya know, you're busted by John Fund of the Wall Street Journal. Damn, what a great world. BTW, this isn't worth a link, but did I mention I bought a Flowbee? That's the haircutter thing that attaches to the vacuum cleaner. It worked perfectly, saved me two hours, the bother of travel, and fifteen bucks. The first time around I was taking my time experimenting with it, but I can see future haircuts taking about five minutes, three if you hurried. It's actually pretty slick. In my case, I used the 2" extension all over my head, then the 1 1/2" angled extension for the sides, then the 1" around the neck and ears. The result is that perfect "cut-but-not-cut" look. There's more info on my site, if anyone's interested. Highly recommended. Mrs Clinton to throw kitchen sink? Woman, kitchen, sexist!!!!
So, I go to close the browser window where I got the above quote from Maggie's, and this is what I see: "Americans have never had it so good. Surber" -- link from NJ, 2/17. And yet a mere two weeks later... "Surber on the coming Ice Age" -- NJ, 2/25 "But Gunter nailed it all down in a nice package. Included is the bit about the sun being strangely quiet these days." We take from "nailed it all down" that ol' Don agrees that we're on the edge of an impending "ice age", correct? And yet, just a few weeks ago, things were looking so rosy. Times sure change quickly in ol' Don's world, don't they? Also, Dr. Mercury . . .
Do yourself a favor and buy the Blowbee attachment. Since when is Muslim a smear?
Well we could start (actually we could start way way before this) with WWII in which the Caliphate sided with the Nazi's. We could move on to 1948 when Israel became a state and EVERY Muslim country bordering Israel attacked her. We could then jump to Munich, the 1972 Olympics and their slaughter of the Jews. We could ask Leon Klinghoffer, a wheelchair bound Jew tossed over the side of the Achille Lauro cruise ship, but of course he's dead. Lod ariport . Beirut Marine barracks. Numerous American Embassies in Africa. Bali.....London.... 9-11-01 is a date to be remembered is it not? In other words the question is absurd, absolutely absurd. Now to Obama. Obama was at one time a Muslim. Was taught at Muslim schools. One should not forget that once you are a Muslim you can't just back out of the religion. The penalty for that is DEATH...but they're giving Obama a free ride since he may end up President of the USA and in a position to aid Muslims in destroying Israel and establishing sharia law in the US. When is Muslim a smear? When the son of a bitch Mohammad founded the bastard religion. Go ahead and tell me all the good stuff the Muslims have done aside from coming up with the concept of zero. And while you're at it juxtapose the good with what they have done that is horrid. Double dare ya. Muslims didn't even come up with concept of zero.
But they did come up with the concept of BHusseinO and he is the darling of the Muslim world. Good thing they constitute less than 1% of American electorate. Me thinks, that is closer to zero which they didn't invent. Linking things does not mean we endorse. We link all sorts of stuff, and read all sorts of stuff.
This is not a suck up but I agree with you. Linking and endorsing are worlds apart. That one might link and even make an off handed comment does not a cult follower make. I use to read many , many sites, but it got too time consuming. I have it down to the news and MF and perhaps one or two others. I think you folks, for Yankees, do a great job. Anyhows yous make it so's us Suthners can make it all fits togetther, and you got Bob Dylan too! Habu, I just got in .Your post on Dear Santa Obama is both funny and sad [ econimic news wise ] . Are you or anyone in your family related to Mark Twain, Your posts and wit would give him a run for his money. Thanks for the info on the pistola.
Don't think Habu has the highest opinion of Twain if I'm remembering my esteemed southern co-commenters correctly.
Actually I just read Huck Finn for the first time within the past year and found it extremely entertaining and everything everyone usually says about a great book. Plus , anytime anyone wants to compare me to Mark Twain , even in the slightest degree I'll take it with a deep bow to Mr. Twain.
2008-02-26 19:20
Thanks Habu, I stand corrected.
2008-02-26 19:50
What a wonderful compliment. I thank you very much and I'm sure the Twain family is preparing a lawsuit against you for defamation of character, comparing me to him..
Thanks Habu Female sexual predators: we make the mistake of lumping them together regardless of uh, victim age. There is enormous difference between a 17, 15, 13, or 11 year-old male. Male adults looking back in retrospect tend to conflate them as well. Because they were as sexually interested in women at 13 as they were at 17, they assume that sex with an older woman would be about the same in consequences for both ages. This is simply not so.