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Tuesday, February 19. 2008Tuesday Morning LinksDesperate green housewives Mrs. Obama: Nothing about America to feel proud of Castro resigns Your inner fish. NYT Cheating. Kinsley:
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The Obamas are proving themselves more hateworthy than even the Clintons. Two Ivy League degrees per person, milion$ in income, undeserved adulation, and neither can find anything good to say about the country and the culture that made it possible?
The irony is that Obama's election would get them exactly the country they learned to hate in college. RE: From the Time Magazine Article "The Dirtiest Trick"...
"Republicans have pulled some dirty tricks before: Swift Boats, Watergate, you name it." Always had the impression that the Viet Nam Vets are beholding to no political party. They speak just for themselves. Were the Swift Boats Vets a Republican "dirty trick"? I do not think so. Could be wrong but do not recall that ever being proven. Seems to be widely believed but is it true? P, no, it's not true. John O'Neil merely organized into a coherent voice a non-partisan group of veterans who knew the history and were plenty p*ssed-off about Kerry's post-tour activities.
The ''swiftboaters'' took donations to get their ads & book out. Most of the donors were also GOP donors, and this fact is what the Dems spin into a GOP ''dirty trick''. When you hear that propaganda, you might just mention that absent Kerry's vicious slanders against Viet Nam vets (the ''Jenjis Khan'' speech most notably), Viet Nam vets wouldn't have been hurt & angry enough, nor worried enough about a President Kerry, to have organized against his presidential run. "Swiftboat" used in the Dem spin sense is a dishonest verb, something new. I guess that's 'change'. And iirc, Sen. Jon Cary still has not signed for the release of his military records. Thought I heard him say a few years ago on Tim Russert that he would do that.
If I remember correctly JF'nK did a partial release of his records... but held back those that were of any import regards shining light in dark corners.
Maybe it would not have been as big an issue for Vietnam Vets but the Senator himself made it one in his acceptance speech at the Dem convention. And then Pres. Carter gave Michael Moore a seat of honor there for his movie "Fahrenheit 9/11"(distributed by North Vancouvers
Lions Gate Studios, owned by Pres. Clintons multimillion dollar supporter and recent big newsmaker Frank Giustra).
2008-02-19 11:14
Likely true about not as big an issue. But yes, he certainly made it one... his 'reporting for duty' was offensive on so many levels. I've wondered who's decision it was to have him do that... his likely. A first rate blunder that was.
Interesting about "Frank Giustra"... was unaware of that. Ah... if one only had the funds to finance a dozen or so good investigative journalists/detectives. My plan should I win big on the lottery... except I hardly ever purchase a ticket ;) I got one for Valentines Day. Someones idea of a joke. haha. Still have not checked the numbers. Heard they are just a tax on being stupid anyhoo. I'll sometimes buy one when the winnings are really huge, in the multimillions. How dumb is that? Would be way more fun to do like Drew Carey does in todays video and use the money to light a cigarello. Peoples reactions would at least bring some better entertainment value.))
2008-02-19 12:00
Ha... exactly how I play... wait for the 'big' one. Yep, makes no sense.
Take it back, partially. I was aware of Giustra but had forgotten his name. Even without my own cadre of journalists I managed to find the 'Wiki' entry... dirty deals of the first order between Bill C. and Frank G.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Giustra ''The irony is that Obama's election would get them exactly the country they learned to hate in college''
Great point -- the 'change' would be to a country frozen into race factions and lacking dynamism and upward mobility. Sounds great -- just the country leftists hate, and just the country they strain to create. I'm sure somewhere deep down they've calculated that the negative change is fine as long as they and their 'friends' are positioned to capture the spoils.
to get to the ugly truth, you need to get one magnitude more cynical, phil: not only are negative changes okay, but preferable, as depressed people are more docile & dependent on the authorities, while energized and dynamic people will fool around and amass so much property that hell they might even want to vote republican.
The only problem with the axiom is is that depressed people might get vote you out of office. So what's really needed is a way around such an unfortunate event. Hence the helpless infatuation with ''strongmen'' like Castro. Scratch a Liberal and you'll find a totalitarian. And the vast majority of 'em don't even know it. Mention Castro's political prisons and watch the delay as they frantically edit their response. but we all know all that -- i just wanted to say it again -- Dumping the Western Canon means you don't know what's chiseled--and still remains to this day--on the walls of Delphi: "Know Thyself" The Dem Convention should be enlightening. Shades of 68?They need to clean up their act and soon, imho. Know many good people who are Dems but they are really in lala land this time around, inviting some terrible repercusions.
BD: Found an interesting link on wingshooting on my personal favorite news site, MSNBC. (The amazing thing about MSNBC is, once you strip away all of the liberal political crap, it's actually the most interesting news site out there, with many more original 'human interest' articles than the AP-slurping CNN and Fox News.)
The Barrimeister might agree with this sentiment: "The first time many Americans heard of wingshooting was probably in early 2006, when Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot 78-year-old Austin attorney, Harry Whittington, while the two men were hunting quail on Whittington's South Texas ranch. While there are undoubtedly some people who would like to see attorneys considered fair game for hunting, traditionalists strongly discourage using members of the Bar for target practice." Personally, I wouldn't think they'd make very good hunting. All puffy and out of shape from sitting behind a desk all day long? What kind of sport is that?? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22995783 I was going to say something about the Kinsley article, but I see its already been addressed. ( swiftboated ) Suffice to say the guys an idiot.
He's no idiot. He knows that, if you repeat something enough times, it becomes accepted.
If i needed help, i'd rather have one John O'Neil than ten thousand Michael Kinsleys.
Yes, I have read THE MAINSPRING OF HUMAN PROGRESS. That was one of the trinity I was trained in whilst a good-looking teenager: the Mainspring, Frederic Bastiat, and The Incredible Bread Machine. Throw in some Eric Hoffer and you can call yourself civilized.
http://tinyurl.com/yfbw3z http://tinyurl.com/yn39a2 Mainspring of Human is breathtaking. Can't say I didn't try to he'p ya. The Obamas are too cool for democracy. Their arrogant insolence toward the symbols and substance of our nation is a character flaw that needs to be repeatedly shown to the American voters. They are so proud to demean the sacrifice and efforts of millions of good Americans because being ignorant is so blissful, the usual emotional state of an Obamaniac. I've seen this phenomenon twice in my life that I can recall quickly, three if you count JFK. The first was Elvis, the king; the second was The Beatles. Both had profound effects on Western culture and society. Not all their legacy or their messages, beliefs, or actions had any positive value for humanity. In fact, most were destructive to a decent and a democratic society. Serial panty-wetting, convulsively-vapored swooners after Obama do not inspire me to vote for the man; the word "antichrist" comes to mind.
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NRO Reading the NRO description of Mrs Obama can really fire up a WASP racists. In the NRO piece she fits nicely into the category of an N-person-gro, with an unusual twist. She is educated and must therefore have to actually worked at her antipathy toward the United States. Nonetheless when I read of those N-person-gros that never went through the Civil Rights era, never felt the sting of the Jim Crow laws or had to fight for anything ,but rather were the recipients of the pendulum swinging too far in the other direction it is a bit laughable. If anything both she and her husband have had a coterie of white liberal politicians ensuring that quotas, test race norming, scholarships, internships, and penalties on corporations who failed to have the correct balance of race in the workforce (regardless of ability) working for them their entire lives. She's proving to be the racist all of the N-people-gros demographic is with their see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil voting support for the uber unctuous Obama ... all they see is skin tone, and all they hear are hollow promises and the smoove delivery. If any of you care to start digging into what is now surfacing on Mr. Obama you will soon come to the conclusion that he is going to totally polarize this election into a black/white contest and he's gonna get an old fashion can o whoop on election day.....he's a Slick Willie. I want him to bury Clintonism -- that would be a very very good thing for the world.
Afterwards, we have eight months to parse his thinking. But if the Clintons get the Dem nomination, even if they lose the general they'll still be the putative head of the party -- and Hill will be only in her mid 60s in 2012. By then they'll be even more ruthless than they are today. I'm telling ya, there is a global crime syndicate of such enormous power that it manages to mostly legalize itself in most countries, and if we put it in the White house again there is nothing to stop it anymore. The 90s scandals, from the UN oil-for-food to Enron, WorldComm, Credit Suisse, to the Reno justice dept & the chinese military & Loral & Los Alamos, to the Gore / Chernomyrden Commission which stole for the syndicate vast USSR assets belonging to the newly free Russian people (thus dumping Russia back into authoritarianism), to IRS auditing Clinton enemies per instruction, to heads of state in Europe & North America making policy per kickbacks from enemies of the west, oh, it was so vast and pernicious that most folks have just snapped and gone blind to it. But mark it, if the voters, in the persons of the Clintons, return it to the White House, then--in the same way that thugs have always bought neighborhood protection via throwing a little swag to the local citizens--the world will be the safe neighborhood, and the forces of the old Enlightenment will no longer have any avenue of approach, nor line of defense. So, Go Obama! for now. Buddy,
You seem to believe that Obama has some immunization from the world wide cabal that infected the Clintons. I believe he is even more susceptible to infection than they initially were, and that's saying a ton. Just as the "End of the Cold War" did not suddenly turn all former KGB and GRU operatives into moderate cheese eating surrender monkeys, neither will the ascendancy of Obama to the Presidency retard the factions that run the Socialist Democrats. I could not dislike the Clintons anymore than I already do. My dislike meter has been pegged since they first ran for the WH. Hillary would be a disaster but so would Obama and right now Obama is the lead dog in the race and pulling away...perhaps tonight's results will change that but we will still be dealing with dangerous people to the welfare of our Republic. Go Republicans ! yes but the known known is the clintons; obama could be worse but i reckon the odds say vanquish the known first because if you fail to vanquish the unknown you may just get lucky and find you've taken out the greater threat. gotta pay attention to them odds ya know. of course the odds assume clintons are intolerable. if they are not then the play would be take the devil you know over the devil you don't know.