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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, January 17. 2008Thursday Links
Speaking of killing, look what PETA does. Natural born killers? As much as I love rail, the nation's massive "investment" in it is not producing dividends. Coyote. If you ask me (and nobody does), this country does not need one more road on my nickel. Nor, apparently, does it need one more rail. Perhaps we're done with basic transportation for now. Illegals moving north to avoid enforcement. Wizbang Via Mankiw, Anna Schwartz dings the Fed. And yes, a feckless Fed did cause the Great Depression. The "market failure" meme was a scapegoat, but the Leftys did get some mileage out of it, and still do. If you have not read about this already, the story of the NYT's public editor's assault on Bill Kristol is hard to believe. They clearly have no idea about how lucky they are to have him, but I still think they should hire Mark Steyn. When they hire Steyn, I will renew...maybe. The truth about those famous Vietnam photos. Neoneo. Thanks for that piece, Neo, and for the series it is a part of. You put plenty of work into that series, to our benefit. And speaking of MSM propaganda, the NYT used nine reporters to produce this utterly dishonest smear of American veterans. How can they bear to look at themselves in the mirror? No clothes? Or an empty suit? Why Hillary, despite celebrity status, is an empty pantsuit. I think this is accurate. Why Mayor Menino doesn't want low-cost medical clinics - because they aren't run by the government. Who is he to decide where I get help? I'll go to the darn veterinarian, who is my pal, if I want to. From a Betsy quote on college admissions craziness:
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American Thinker
January 17, 2008 Obama, Hillary and Alinsky's Tactics Saul Alinsky, the hero of bloodless socialist revolution in America, was a master at explaining how to patiently use whatever weapons one has to bring about the transfer of power from the Haves to the Have Nots. ( the transfer will work once, perhaps twice, in a truly socialist morphing American but the results will ALWAYS be that the HAVES will get back from the HAVE NOTS all that was confiscated because they are smarter. If the government uses paramilitary tactics (increased IRS thugs) then you end up with a revolution) The HAVES have because they are smart. The HAVE NOTS have nothing because they are dumb ...not a hard concept to grasp. more http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/01/obama_hillary_and_alinskys_rul.html American Thinker
January 17, 2008 Obama, Hillary and Alinsky's Tactics Saul Alinsky, the hero of bloodless socialist revolution in America, was a master at explaining how to patiently use whatever weapons one has to bring about the transfer of power from the Haves to the Have Nots. more http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/01/obama_hillary_and_alinskys_rul.html Dems Lack the Executive Experience
By David Broder WASHINGTON -- It was fascinating to watch the three top contenders for the Democratic nomination discuss their concept of the presidency during Tuesday night's MSNBC debate in Las Vegas. But it was also stunning to realize that the three current and former senators who have survived the shakeout process -- Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards -- have not a day of chief executive experience behind them Quite a statement from the saged Broder. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/01/dems_lack_the_executive_experi.html This election primary season is a year too long. It's like watching the Titanic sink in slow motion, while in the salon theater lady MacBeth plays on and the cabin boy, Silky, dreams of his madrass days in Indonesia.
God this is painful to watch unfold as the glib mulatto and the power hungry harpy are willing to do and say anything to gain the nomination. And as David Broder pointed out neither has even one day of Executive experience And yet a generation of dumbed downed citizens who couldn't tell you where Utah is on a map, much less Saudi Arabia or Iraq are fired up over the prospects of a half white, half black becoming president. This is the equivalent of the sub prime mess. Ostensibly huge portions of the electorate are buying into rolling the dice that China, Russia, AQ, and the other nasties in the world will give our naive chief executive an extended honeymoon so that some on the job training moving Katrina trailers will prepare them for an international power play. Don't count on it. Kirkland
Mulatto may be good for you but not for me. Although why he is described as an African American when he is in fact half white and an infidel, condemned by sharia law to death for repudiating Islam to which he was born, is a mystery to me. How else could you refer to him? I do not know, but Allah's will is knowing of these things. Barak Hussein repudiated Islam when?
If he did when could be cited, a public repudiation. He's Muslim born and educated and a moon pie. Allah's knowledge is limited on the matter. When he joined a Christian Church. That is prima facia evidence and a heresy in Islam. Under Islamic sharia law he should be under a fatwa for heresy which is punishable by death.
I guess they're giving him a free pass so he can infiltrate sharia law via appointments of federal attorneys, Supreme Court Justices, and all the other Muslim minions he can stuff into our bureaucracy. Personally I don't buy the guys entire road show .. what's he done? One would be hard pressed to identify Hussein's black internationalist church, Christian despite the name.
That he would fascilitate encroachment of Islam in USA, suggests he is muslim. Added to fact that there is no Islamic fatwa, evidence is he has not repudaited his muslim birthright. He's a professional politician and very successful at it. However, meddling in Kenyan politics applying the weight of US Senatorial office will be his downfall, me thinks. In spite of your desire to define Husseins church as non Christian , it is. That it is also Islamic heresy is also true.
I fully agree that he will re-up his Islamic heritage should he be elected, subverting the current Judeo-Christian tenor as much as possible using the same tactics the civil rights movement used .. the courts to write the law. They'll be big trouble too as Hispanics will align with the gringos to defeat ant Islamic surge, and their will be a surge in the black community if he is elected. Far from bringing us together he'll become so divisive as to render himself a hostage in the Rose Garden ...in Damascus. Right now the Muzzies are giving him a pass on the heresy deal in hopes of gaining the bigger prize .... which is smart politics. I'd bet my house he's sold crack and blow and we'll see if someone can uncover that. Even if he just smoked it that puts him in league with aiding the terrorists who benefit from the sale of smack and coke. He doesn't need to be president he needs a morning drive time radio show to showcase his glib, smarmy ways. Alah be praised my ass.
2008-01-17 14:32
Character in Quranic fantasy is called Jesus by English speaking Muslims if that' makes Muhammad Christian in your book, it doesn't in mine.
Boy born muslim is muslim until sharia court declares him mutad. Nevertheless, Hussein hasn't a virgin's chance in Islam of becoming USA president it is fun to see him run, though. It's a pleasure to share your distain for the nappy headed churl.
2008-01-17 16:13
You know damn well he's a nappy headed mulatto, shuck and jiver.
2008-01-17 17:58
Senator Hussein's drug experiences pale in comparisson with the ones he has accumulated while a US Senator.
So would it be fair to hold Barack Obama's feet to the fire for the Kenyan government's claim that his cousin Raila Odinga is behind ethnic cleansing in Kenya that has so far taken 600 lives? Odinga is having to defend himself and his supporters from charges brought by the Kenyan government of ethnic cleansing following disputed Presidential elections in that African nation. He has condemned one of the most shocking incidents, where his supporters—reputedly Odinga's fellow Luo tribesmen—blocked the doors of a Christian church and burned dozens of Kikuyu men, women, and children alive inside. http://confederateyankee.mu.nu/archives/252289.php If Mr. Obama did not know about Mr. Odinga's electoral deal with the Kenyan Islamists when he offered his support, then he should have known. If he did know, then he is guilty of lending the prestige of his office to America's enemies in the global war on terror. We need to know exactly what Mr. Obama knew about Mr. Odinga, and precisely when he knew it. http://www.nysun.com/article/69273?page_no=3
2008-01-17 23:24
Grandma's Fried pies
Stir up some fun tonight--cook plump, juicy fried pies. Prepare the fillings ahead of time, and then get everyone involved in assembling and frying. Purchased piecrusts and wonton wrappers or our fool proof pastry make these easier than the ones your grandmother made from scratch. We've expanded the flavors and included a savory beef pie you can serve as an entree. FRIED PIES 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup shortening 1 large egg, lightly beaten 1/4 cup water 1 teaspoon white vinegar 2 cups fruit filling (see recipes) Vegetable oil Sugar (optional) Combine flour and salt in a large bowl; cut in shortening with a pastry blender until crumbly. Combine egg and water, stirring with a fork; drizzle over flour mixture. Add vinegar, and stir with a fork just until dry ingredients are moistened. Divide pastry into thirds; roll each portion to 1/4-inch thickness on a lightly floured surface, and cut each into 5-inch circles. Spoon 2 1/2 tablespoons of fruit filling onto half of each pastry circle. Moisten edges with water; fold dough over fruit filling, pressing edges to seal. Crimp edges with a fork dipped in flour. Pour oil to depth of 1/2 inch into a large heavy skillet. Fry pies in hot oil over medium-high heat 6 to 8 minutes or until golden brown, turning once. Drain well on paper towels. Sprinkle with sugar, if desired. Yield: about 1 dozen. MIXED FRUIT FRIED PIE FILLING 1 cup chopped dried mixed fruit 3/4 cup apple juice 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup chopped walnuts 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon Combine dried fruit and apple juice in a small saucepan; let stand 30 minutes. Bring fruit mixture to a boil over medium-high heat; reduce heat, and cook, stirring often, 10 minutes or until fruit is tender and liquid has evaporated. Remove from heat; add sugar and remaining ingredients, stirring until sugar dissolves. Cool. Yield: 1 3/4 cups. Note: Filling recipe will make 11 pies with Fried Pies recipe. DRIED CHERRY FRIED PIE FILLING 2 (3-ounce) packages dried Bing cherries, chopped 1 cup water 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon almond extract 1/2 cup chopped almonds Combine cherries and water in a medium saucepan; let stand 30 minutes. Bring to a boil over medium heat; reduce heat, and simmer, stirring often, 20 minutes or until liquid has evaporated. * Remove from heat; add sugar and remaining ingredients, stirring until sugar dissolves. Cool. Yield: 1 3/4 cups. Note: Filling recipe will make 11 pies with Fried Pies recipe. S:
Would you please just deliver a dozen for a taste test to: c/o Maggie's Farm, RFD 12 ? Think the Federal Reserve is federal? Think it's a reserve?
What a hoax. It was put together by wall street bankers for the benefit of Wall Street Bankers. It's a fact . http://www.apfn.org/apfn/reserve.htm You won't believe what you're reading if you care to read it. Re: I think this is accurate
Boston Major might have no objection to anyone outside his jurisdiction seeing a veterinarian or a practictioner of voodoo. Boston has a MorMitt health care program which is mandatory. Massholes are just like cars but they cain't accommodate hitchhikers. "No more free rides." "No more free rides." Looks like someone whose usual nic matches the deadliest snake on the planet took a nice free ride on Maggie's Farm's bandwidth using this thread for many of his split personalities. Nice decoy, that apple pie recipe.
Little bricks of walls of text that smack of bigotry and delusion. Leag, you may be the most revolting of the Hydra's tentacles. Bigotry is highly underrated, practiced by everyone in one form or another but particularly favored by the morally righteous liberals who don't recognize their own special brand.
what say sista? bigot: # noun: a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own
nothing wrong with that. we all have our prejudices. we're all intolerant of those who disagree with us it just varies in degree. to be otherwise one would have to stand for nothing and be a spineless jellyfish..... "No more free rides." Looks like someone whose usual nic matches the deadliest snake on the planet took a nice free ride on Maggie's Farm's bandwidth using this thread for many of his split personalities. Nice decoy, that apple pie recipe.
Little bricks of walls of text that smack of bigotry and delusion. Leag, you may be the most revolting of the Hydra's tentacles. Sissy, much to much credit is advanced to y'all.
So, me slow it down for ya' "No more free rides." is Mormitt's slogan to justify his mandatory health care system planned for all USA. Some free market that is. People are like Ramblers must ring in his head from his daddy's economics lessons. Just remember son, "No more free rides." yup, we is all self-interested, greedy, racist pigs in some part of us. BUT we dasn't have to admire it, duz we ?
It's one thing to have noxiousness in us, an to rassle with what we know are feelings whut are non-conducive to the general well-being of the polity as a whole, but it's a whole nuther thing to revel in it, to glorify it, and enjoy it. Dontcha think? Seriously now. The pious enjoy their bigotry, in fact the revel in it. They give no more credence to whether it is conducive to the general well being of society or not. They are interested in one thing. Having their particular bigotries prevail over those they deem contra to their own.
Even in our universities, once bastions of free thought and the exchange of ideas, bigots, (a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own) rule the day. It is however practiced by tenured professors who propagandize young uncultured minds. Is that not bigotry? Whether it is admired or not is irrelevant to the fact that it is a fact so crystal clear in it's existence as to defy that it does not exist. So, have the courage of your prejudices and when confronted with the antithesis's point to it's prejudices as noxious as any. I so happens that in our society for the past 40 years the biggest bigots have been in the black community. White liberal guilt has allowed it to flourish without pause, all ashamed of being tarred a bigot. Well there is nothing wrong with being a bigot. It has the virtue of not dying a thousand times before it's death, like that of the silence of cowards. So, it's not ok to commit physical violence against those we dislike, but it IS ok to commit psychological violence against them?
No, I fully agree re hypocrites and smug moral idiots -- it's just that the old saw about the right to swing a fist stops before it gets to a neighbor's nose, also has a corollary re words -- see the doctrine of "fighting words" and see if you disagree with the intent. It's the old argument about free speech -- does it allow one to shout "fire!" in a crowded theater? Says the law, "not if it endangers others". And dig a little deeper into your gripe about hypocrites striking poses -- it's the dishonesty, right? Well, how about the dishonesty of posturing on "honesty" as a cover to indulge in some pleasurable telling-off -- does one's personal desire for honesty allow one to incite riots among one's fellow citizens? In the old west, that holstered .45 caliber peacemaker made for good manners. Nowadays we just have "common-sense" to help us show respect for others. Honesty would have a rude person telling every fat, ugly, old, or stupid person that they're fat, ugly, old, or stupid. How uncool is that -- even though the speaker can righteously claim that he was "only being honest". Smokin' barrelled peacemakers made for best manners in ol' west, me thinks.
It's great fun watching y'all change positions so often. No wonder y'all like MorMitt and Hussein. Mitt's only saving grace is he's white but Barack ain't even sure himself what color he'll be from day to day. Except when, he is backslappin' murderous Islamists and cousins in Kenya. What's YOUR saving grace, Leag? That you're "honest" about being a bigot?
As I've said befo', do Fred a favor and pretend y'all don't like him, why dontcha.
buddy larsen
2008-01-18 13:59
Buddy boo, y'all ought to try to stay on topic for it will help in understanding those difficult words, like nappy and flying bird.
I ain't running for president but don't resent y'all's attempts at stifling me speech as y'all's IQ is so low. Just keep up the best ya can. MorMitt wouldn't be the mormon candidate for president if he was black, red or yellow. Muslim candidate is a towel head. How's your IQ test improving?
2008-01-18 19:02
"How's your IQ test improving?"
I can't follow the question -- my mangled-syntax deciphering needs improving.
buddy larsen
2008-01-18 22:30
Let's expand the definition and consequences of bigotry to more closely mirror the ultimate result of such:
I suppose we can quibble on the veracity of the source, but from Merriam-Websters: bigot One entry found. bigot Main Entry: big·ot Pronunciation: \?bi-g?t\ Function: noun Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot Date: 1660 : a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance I have taken the liberty of making bold the text I feel appropriate for this discussion. I would certainly never say that I am free of bigotry... it is a natural human condition I feel. Tribal in its nature. But as with many of the primal instincts that we have tamed since lifting our knuckles from the African Savannah its utility has lessened as the function of higher thought has prevailed. Yes, it is easy to find objects for the exercise of our tribal bigotry. The world is not lacking for suitable opportunities. But in the end I feel its use leads to the bold words in the above definition. And that way helps not in making this a better world. Hate, and its usual subsequent conflict, does not make this a better world. Better to find true courage in discovering more useful and appropriate methods of shaping the world more to one's liking. Anyway, for a change of pace from rattling around inside the bat cave AKA leag's skull, here's hypocrite-by-acclimation, covered at The Corner:
http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZDMxNzE4NWExNGM4MDJmMDM1YzZmMWE2NjA4NDQ4OTI= ********** The wine flowed like melting ice caps [Mark Steyn] "A couple of years back, I wrote a parody about the hedonistic excess of international eco-junkets like the "Earth Summit". But I gotta say this one sounds pretty sweet. Next month Al Gore will be the keynote drinker at the 2008 Climate Change & Wine Conference in Barcelona." 01/18 01:20 PM ********** Nope -- ya couldn't make that up -- it has to be real. Or 'reel'. One mans bigotry is another man cause celebre. Those of you writing on the subject all agree it exists but treat it in the politically correct way the Pavlovian tutors have trained you.
Don't utter a truth, talk around it, use plausible excuses to get you off any hooks that might appear. But whatever you do, NEVER EVER admit in public to being a bigot. It doesn't matter what the bigotry covers you must avoid at all costs being an acknowledged bigot, even though we are all bigoted. Hardon, no, that's not what I meant at all.
To me, the euphemism-slingers are a big part of the problem, tho the useful-idiot factions don't realize it. What I'm trying to say is, once we all start being ultra honest, we'll all start thinking out loud, and the nine good thoughts we have won't matter at all as as the one bad thought will 'polarize the target' (see Alinsky's 13th rule, and see Gresham's Law, 'bad drives out good'). And already, since the 60s, certain social compacts within society have been breaking down. If we want to sheepily follow the anti-Americans' game plan, let's all respond just the way they want us to to their "PC" provocation, and start shouting things such as the ''nappy-head'' reference to Obama up above. THAT'll teach them PC purveyors not to mess with us, right? Wrong. That's precisely what they want us to do. Because, where do we go from there? Exactly where the Marxist meme-warriors want us to go -- to an out-and-out race war. In case you missed the last four decades the bad has been driving out the good. The list of dumbing done America, of the establishment of PC as the norm, the acceptance of a society willing to allow 50 million babies to be aborted, the race norming of tests to give the ignorant an ill deserved place at the table, the trillions of dollars spent on social welfare creating a dependent underclass, the Supreme Court as a legislative body, the dissolution of the family unit, replaced by pre-pre school care, pre school care, extended day care at school, the "takings" by the Federal government of private property to place in the hands of another private individual all under the rubric of greater revenue.
It's a toxic stew in America because no one has the guts to challenge the erosion of the tenth amendment or the myriad of other corrosive developments of the past half century. let's all respond just the way they want us to to their "PC" provocation, and start shouting things such as the ''nappy-head'' reference to Obama up above.
The problem is Buddy that no one IS responding to the PC, and it would be a delight to hear a voice of leadership call a spade a spade once in a while. The black-white road has been primarily one of "doing for the blacks" since LBJ and it still hasn't produced racial harmony, particularly as to how black view whites. Poll after poll confirms this. I for one am sick of it and the concomitant confiscation of my money to shore up a segment of society with a morals problem that manifests itself in illegitimacy figures that most sociologist agree cannot sustain a nation. That's why your mammy taught you to "watch your mouth". That's what Forrest Gump's mammy meant when she said "stupid is as stupid does".
"Always do what you want, and say what you feel, because those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind" - Dr. Seuss
There we go -- we can ALL be the Cat in the Hat! Just tell ourselves that whomever we don't like just doesn't matter! And whomever won't tell us how silly is our hat, are the only ones that DO matter! Just to clarify... I did not deny my bigotry. But due to bigotry's intrinsic capability of sowing hate, I tend to be highly selective in exercising my freedom to be a bigot. We all, in this country at least, have many freedoms. That doesn't mean we must partake of them all.
An unexercised freedom atrophies as quickly as an unexercised muscle, soon to leave that freedom to wither and die on the vine.
You have self imposed your freedom of speech to satisfy the PC elements in society. Understandable since one would loose their job if they said what they truly believe. But that tyranny is how the erosion begins, and like rust, it never quits it's effects until the host is simply a carcass. What is the root word of 'civilization'? CIVIL.
We trash our civility and second to follow is our 'civilization'. How difficult is that to understand? And why are good manners de rigueur? To keep us civil and to keep our society from imploding with the moronic and deluded belief that all 'truths' must be spoken... as if we share the same 'truths'..... Meta, you seem conflicted. You write of "civil" and then follow that post with #22 and #25. You are truly proving that Hypocrisy is a tribute vice pays to virtue
I realize your limited faculties will require several readings of this saying followed no doubt by a furrowed brow and perhaps a blown aneurysm. You're playing semantics, hardon. It is my choice to be civil or not. I was civil before political correctness appeared for the unruly via seminars, handbooks, and firings. Your suggestion that it is hypocrisy not to utter what I'm thinking at all times is laughable.
An unexercised hardon atrophies rather quickly, as well, but that doesn't mean it won't rise to greet another libido flash.
"You have self imposed your freedom of speech to satisfy the PC elements in society." That is so much bullshit it warrants a lifelong flaccid penis. I choose to be polite. No one tells me what to do, and certainly I will adhere to no 'trend' that claims to make life better when it doesn't. "You have self imposed your freedom of speech to satisfy the PC elements in society."
That is so much bullshit it warrants a lifelong flaccid penis. Meta, that's not much of an answer. The truth self imposition of speech to satisfy the PC gods is unarguable to the sentient observers of our society. You seem to have missed placement in that category. I am quite firm in that assessment predicated on your scatological remark. Try harder. "I am quite firm in that assessment predicated on your scatological remark.
Try harder." Okay. You're a stupid asshole? How's that? Well, he DID ask you to 'try harder'. I think it was nice of you to a commode ate him.
"No one tells me what to do"
Meta , do you really want to stand by this inane statement? "Meta , do you really want to stand by this inane statement?"
Yep. Why do you not address the end state of unrelenting bigotry. Or do you disagree with my assessment. That is what my part of this discussion is about. I'm not talking about political niceties or ineffectual or risible verbal tautology.
Why are you writing to a hardon? Talkin' him up, so to speak? Aw shit.... that was rather un-PC of me. SORRY! not Actually Meta I was attempting to have 'Hardon' address the flaccidity of their assertions. Appealing to them to get a grip on where their thoughts and actions might lead. To have them understand that just because it is in your hand doesn't mean you get to lead the band.
i think you've got a grip on the root of the problem. there are no quick solutions at hand, nothing to dangle in front of those who erect barriers to a little piece in our time.
Re: Illegals moving north
Story mentions North carolina as one destination. Further north these poor folks get the better off they will be. Yanks are a genorous folk. Maybe, they're headed for that great land of the cannuck. Stick your thumb out, Numbnuts! Quickly, quickly.....
Off with you... The Right to Bigotry
by Tibor R. Machan Although the press and other media cherish the First Amendment, few of its members truly understand its implications. Nor, does it seem, do some of the courts in the USA, the leader of the free world! This lack of grasp is evident when people in the media call editorial control "censorship." It isn’t – only when government forbids and doctors thought is it censorship. And in his recent branding of editorial proselytization a kind of brainwashing, Ben Bradlee, the former executive editor of The Washington Post, gave further illustration of how ignorant the mainstream press can be about this vital constitutional principle. The thrust of the First Amendment is that one has the right to think, say and publish what one wants, including bad stuff or even, yes, nothing at all – for example yellow and tabloid journalism may be bad, but must not be banned and those who apathetically or for other reasons decline to get involved in discussing politics, culture or science may not be forced to mend their ways. In other words, having the right to do something includes having the right to do it badly or not to do it at all. Well, it is not an explicit constitutional principle but freedom of association has similar implications. If you have the right to voluntarily associate with those who want to do the same with you, you also have the right to refuse. I do not have to be a friend or business partner of everyone who might wish to be mine. I may even be a bigot in certain areas of the market place, by refusing to eat in certain establishments or buy from certain stores because I irrationally dislike the owner. My right to consent also means my right to refuse. That is the mainstay of individual liberty. Now we come to the Boy Scouts who, in New Jersey at least, do not want to have gays among them. This may well be the height of bigotry, for gay boys are certain boys and to refuse them admission is to discriminate against them on grounds that may be entirely beside the point. But that is not the issue at hand in this debate. What is at issue is just how free a society ours is. If government forbids the Boy Scouts from making bad decisions about associating with certain people, do we have any claim to live in a free society at all? The New Jersey Supreme Court has basically abandoned championing liberty and ruled, instead, that when the Scouts refuse admission to gays, they are bigots and should be stopped. And to the argument that they are a private, not a public, organization, they answered that in effect they are open to the general public – well, boys, at least – and thus have become, like restaurants and other establishments marketing themselves to anyone who wishes to enter, a public accommodation. To this there is an answer. First of all, only government may not discriminate since it is by definition the servant of all of the people. However, the designation of restaurants as public accommodation is misguided – few of them really are for all the public. A vegetarian restaurant caters to some of the public, as does a seafood place or one offering Italian food. If it were the case that a restaurant announced itself to welcome only blacks or women or Christians, this would even further limit the terms of entry. However indecent this would be, in a free society such limits are exactly what would be tolerated, otherwise the term "free" would only be a ruse, a propaganda device, not a description of reality. In our society there is a lot of liberty left, but there are also serious threats against it. On the plus side there are, for example, match-making services that cater only to Christians. This restriction on who one will admit to such establishments is entirely unobjectionable and the law hasn’t yet tried to ban it. And true freedom of association is evident, also, in the personal ads of various media, where all kinds of specifications are laid out to ward off people who aren’t wanted! Nor are people forced to make purchases from establishments where they do not wish to shop, for whatever reason. In the enthusiasm and urgency of the civil rights era it was accepted that the choices people made about with whom they wish to do business could be constrained by the state. Yet that was wrong. Eliminating one bad thing, namely, racism, does not justify killing off something good, namely, freedom of choice in the area of human associations of any kind. May 1, 2000 Tibor Machan is Distinguished Fellow and Professor, Leatherby Center for Entrepreneurship & Business Ethics, Argyros School of Business & Economics, Chapman University, and Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Good stuff -- but before we moved the goal posts, the discussion was on ''nappy head'' -- which I'll betcha a dollar is a term Tibor Machan would never ever use.
Funny how he wrote an entire article defending the very right to call someone nappy headed if you felt like doing so.
take the blinders off, cast off the encrusted PC covering your brain. Funny... in reading through the above comments I saw no one calling for anyone to not exercise their bigotry.
As far as this not very well edited article is concerned... well, quite frankly, anarchy comes to mind. Yes, the far off sound of hob nailed boots, marching for freedom against those they hate. What is most interesting about this thread is how deftly it was changed from the ONE commenter/collective to bigotry.
''Yes, the far off sound of hob nailed boots, marching for freedom against those they hate.''
well, LM about sums up what i for one have been trying but failing to say. "Give me ten hard years," said herr schicklegruber, "...and I will save Europe for a thousand generations!" A Jonah Goldberg quote...
"I often like to ask college kids, except for the murder, *bigotry*, and genocide, what is it exactly about Nazism that you don't like? And they can't name anything." From: http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2008/01/interviewing_jonah_goldberg_ab.php Having succeeded in exposing Meta as a liar, "I choose to be polite." #22 and having successfully parried the mincing thrusts of the assembled sheeple I will leave you to contemplate your own puerile defenses of your own bigotries.
I am confident they are soft bigotries defined by hatred of people who kill mosquitoes and don't drink the proper merlot. BTW. Your references to flaccid etc were wasted. I am a female. But like sheeple everywhere the first bleeping got the entire flock to bleep in unison. ta ta. well thanks for the heads up, hardon. i had thought you had made a fool of yourself, until you told me different.
Hardon... I think your head is bigger than your head... if you get my drift. No matter the exact nomenclature of the particular fixture.
Just to be clear... you have parried not. Your vanity precedes your lack of substance. |