From an alert reader:
Whatsa matter, don't you read your own webpage? From Maggie's Farm recently:
Come on. You don't really think that woman is not going to win the democratic primaries, do you? If you were immortal and omniscient you wouldn't have enough power or time to ferret out all the cul-de-sacs of influence, fellow travelers, yes-men installed like ticks in government and NGO sinecures, and just plain access to money her and her husband have all over this planet. The emo kids, afraid that George Bush was listening to Al Qaeda phonecalls because he secretly wanted to find their stash of doobies, don't understand that rules are for Republicans. Hillary just goes down the hall and opens the file cabinets and plops a pile of FBI files on some toad's desk. They're not kidding around, and never have been. And they've been at it thirty years. There'll be a live boy or a dead girl or a horse's head in everybody's bed the minute they pull even with her in the polls, and they'll never even know where it's coming from. Not exactly.
The press, currently infatuated with the most liberal version of a democrat and the most unelectable version of a Republican, will get over unrequited Obama love right quick and fall behind Hillary,right after she's through having people mention that her Democratic opponents are crackhead madrassah psychos and have love children behind their noble cancer-ridden wife's back. And that's where Ron Paul! comes in.
Her husband never really won an election, you know. You can go on any Internet opinion playpen and hear all about how popular Bill is --and was -- but he never even cracked 50% of the vote on his re-election. Hillary's in the same boat. It's likely she'd have a hard time getting half the vote, even though 45% of the electorate is in the bag for a Democrat. Hello, Ross Perot!
It's hard being right all the time, but we must try to bear up under the strain of it.