But I almost have half a mind to go and maybe this blog thing and reading these links has got me a bit out of my shell since the wife died and I aint a kick up your heels kind of fellow but when does a Vermont dairy farmer ever go anywhere except to the Wallmart in NH unless theres a war? Because those Vermont nuts don't like Wallmart God knows why, theyre commie ideas no doubt that we already held back in Korea, or preferring folks on the dole instead of having honest hard jobs, and they go to their bootik places and granola tourist UVM-type places but old Vermonters go to HN to Wallmart, we all go to NH for our Wallmart stuff once a week or twice per month and it would be stupid to do anything else and call me ignorant but I aint stupid. But back to travel, Seth and Reuben bless em they have almost ¼ of a whole brain between em but they wont burn the place down if I go away for ten days or will they?
Well I am over 70 but I guess I aint dead yet but soon probably and the seed will be down without much to do but I am leery of this deal esp those horny old widows with hats trying to feed me French wine and brandy then corner me in some old cathedral lookin for a little of the old slap and tickle etc. when I could be fixing fence and being generally constructive and not a dekadent gentleman of lesure which I decidedly aint being a 7 day worker and they need a reply by Friday, and that is my pikle and I already know you will erge me to go but I don’t want your advice or anyones because nobody is in my mokasins, but the scribbler in me just writes my thoughts down because you, Bird Dog, kindly invite me to do so.