We have a few Sharp-Shinned Hawks in the neighborhood this winter who have decided not to bother flying further south, and that it is more energy-efficient to hang out here and to feed off the sparrows and Goldfinches around peoples' bird feeders.
I almost got a photo of one this morning, perched on the tray of my feeder three feet from my window. I could see the iris of her alert eye. She fled when I reached for my camera.
Thus does my bird-feeder do double-duty, because I love seeing these small dive-bomber predators around the place. I have watched them catch a few delicious English Sparrows but they seem to miss their target most of the time despite their talent at crashing through shrubs in hot pursuit.
It's too bad the Sharpies won't take some of my Grey Squirrels, but they are Accipters - hunters of birds on the wing. We human bird-hunters can relate: hunting is not shopping.