Green Fascism update: Tom Friedman drinks the warming Kool-aid. More on Friedman at Powerline. The Socialist legacy of Bali at Patterico. Also, Mayer Hillman says:
“When the chips are down I think democracy is a less important goal than is the protection of the planet from the death of life, the end of life on it,” he says. “This has got to be imposed on people whether they like it or not.”
to which Protein Wisdom comments:
Scrape away some of the high-flown rhetoric of the acolytes of the Church of Anthropogenic Global warming and it is easy to see a coterie of fashionistas, retooled Marxists, doe-eyed relativists, unrepetant misanthropes and pragmatic authoritarians.
Geography quiz at Flares.
Ruled Britannia? Kimball
Iraq launches a new tanker. Surber
Greedy selfish boomers will bankrupt America
Is "Clinton amnesia" coerced? Classical
Firearms dilemma, at Mr. Free Market:
Left-handed rifles are rarer than rocking-horse sh1t.
Do Christians mind being called "barking bonkers"? Not really. I just read somewhere that 30% of Americans identify themselves as evangelical Christians.
Justice done for wounded and injured soldiers.
How to become a virgin. LGF
The US Army considering Israel's micro-Tavor. (photo on right)
Not dead yet? Fidel is retiring, he hints.
Why do people buy individual stocks? Prof B on McArdle
Is waterboarding really all that bad? Tammy