Yes, we do have a very fine storm today, and the natural snow is piling up at my local ski area - Jiminy Peak.
Jesus wasn't homeless. Steyn on demographics of aging, 30 year-old Italian Romeos living with Mom and Dad, and the "don't have kids to save the planet" silliness. Good stuff. h/t, Lucianne
Six major bogus stories from the MSM within six weeks. Gateway.
How are our readers doing with that simple geometry problem? It's good fun, unless you're a serious math whiz.
Same old Russia. Putin incarcerating dissidents in psychiatric wards.
Republicanophobia. Mrs. Edwards is "scared." She would not be so scared if she met me.
Guns don't kill people - Christians do.
I was going to ignore the newspaper endorsements, since everyone else is linking them, but Jules has a good take on them.
Cherry-picking data points to create alarm about an income gap. View from 1776. Dishonestly fueling envy for political purposes is low. Somebody needs to tell the NYT that 1) We Americans aren't Commies and 2) Who cares what other people make? I don't want their money - I want to do what I chose to do.
The 10 Economic Media Myths of 2007: Dem. Project
Today's Hillary Quote:
"You know, I'm going to start thanking the woman who cleans the restroom in the building I work in. I'm going to start thinking of her as a human being." - Hillary Clinton, from the book "The Case Against Hillary Clinton" by Peggy Noonan, p. 55