Randall Hoven on "Inordinate Fear" at American Thinker. h/t, RWN
Protein on Moslem science
Why I never hire brilliant men. From 1924. h/t, Links at Flares
FL company prohibits smoking off the job. That would be an interesting legal case, on either side. Makes you want to be a lawyer. The guy also doesn't want to hire fat people.
Global warming "greatest scam in history," says founder of The Weather Channel
Cramer: Cuomo's a communist. Probably true.
If anyone thinks that the Islamists are focused on the West only, think again. It truly is a movement of hatred for "the other."
Women too fragile for politics. Hatemonger
Adding to our blogroll: Contentions at Commentary
From a piece at Dino:
Photo: That is not Dr. Bliss. That's a Theo girl.