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Wednesday, October 31. 2007You could be a racist, and not know it
I guess that means that my skin tone determines my character and my moral fate. That sounds a teeny bit racist to me. Photo: A typical "white people" cocktail party last week in leafy, sophisticated Wellesley, MA Trackbacks
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Kinda-sorta fits. This from our British cousins in Londonstan.
The Sun- UK By ANDREW PARKER A SCHOOL was yesterday accused of MAKING teachers dress up as Asians for a day – to celebrate a Muslim festival Kids at the 257-pupil primary have also been told to don ethnic garb even though most are Christians. The morning assembly will be open to all parents – but dads are BARRED from a women-only party in the afternoon because Muslim husbands object to wives mixing with other men. Just two members of staff – a part-time teacher and a teaching assistant – are Muslim. Yesterday a relative of one of the 39 others said: “Staff have got to go along with it – or let’s face it, they would be branded racist. “Who would put their job on the line? They have been told they have to embrace the day to show their diversity. But they are not all happy.” The day aims to belatedly mark Eid, the end of Ramadan. Sally Bloomer, head of Rufford primary school in Lye, West Midlands, insisted: “I have not heard of any complaints. “It’s all part of a diversity project to promote multi-culturalism.” http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article407311.ece That''s me.......just to the left of the American Flag about three or four people.......
Yeah, makes ya wish Plessy vs Ferguson had never been overruled. Islamo-Fascist Week was held last week. From the standpoint of having universities be the bastions of "free speech" and the generators of new thoughts, mores and folkways it was a flop.
Most campus's have wholly abandon free speech and a vast number are now becoming open havens for Islamic radicals just as they had been for the SDS and the Black Panthers in the 60's. The Islamic movement in this country must be stopped. I have suggested a number of times that states should pass legislation defining Islam as an ideology and not a religion, thus removing a good many protections they have from taxation, etc. Also by doing so it should make it easier to deport Islamic students who are here to foment the killing of infidels. I personally have no difficulty in killing a person whose religion tells them to kill me. How many times does a man have to tell you he's going to kill you before you take action? Once your head has been blown off your shoulders it's a mite late to do much. In my world Islams are not welcome in this country. I dislike their ideology, their culture, and their being. We have been down this war road with them many times. I do not want to fight them on our own soil ...... say no to Muslim/Islamic immigration ... if you choose not to then be prepared to pay the consequences. If this makes me a racist then I'll wear the badge proudly. You laugh, but the fact is, there's writings all over the new left asserting that no member of an oppressed class can be "racist".
The term has been defined down--it's now a class description. So, yes, if you're a white male, you are a racist and a sexist first before anything else. Only by the most sustained and energetic self-abnegation can you become "non-oppressive" --and you'll still require watching at all times, to make certain you have no attacks of false-consciousness (such as "Ah, this's a load of crap"). So, since we're automatically assholes, I say we just enjoy it. Might as well. Yes, lets get some mileage out of this. I've wanted to be an open racist all my life and now the left,commie,Afro.Islams have done it for me.
I realize that as a white male in this country I am THE cause of all misery faced by all mankind...hey I can handle it...just one thing...if you come fcuk'n with me expect to die. I will give no quarter for I have been put on notice by too many factions that being white is being racists..and that my life is in peril for being white.....they look at it as payback .....I recall a Civil War where whites dies by the hundreds of thousands to , in part, allow freedom for all......that wasn't good enough I guess. The idea that Rev. Jackson and Rev. Sharpton can't be racists, but that I am, is preposterous. Dr. Shakti Butler and her Diversity Facilitation Training at the University of Delaware ( August 13 & 15, 2007) has provided the University and us with a steaming shovel full once again. Such drivel should not be tolerated at the academy. Is Joe Biden a graduate of the University of Delaware?
Reeducation for white folks occurs right here in Capitol City, aka Colorado Springs.
Four Colorado College hockey players are in trouble after being accused of being racially insensitive when the white players painted their faces black for a team event last month. http://www.kxrm.com/news/news_story.aspx?id=57763 Family matters are not amusing for the race hating, pc fuhrers at CC. ''...a Civil War where whites died by the hundreds of thousands to, in part, allow freedom for all....''
That should've closed the book, alright, and could've, perhaps, had DC and KKK both not gone over the top in the ensuing several decades. Listen to Linclon, in his 2nd Inaugural: http://www.bartleby.com/124/pres32.html (i had meant to excerpt a section, but could not. Still, it takes but a moment to read) Gee, if everything I say and everything I do is racist and there is no way out, then I might just as well start using bad words and stop being nice to those oppressed persons who didn't really think this thing through.
Actually the U. Del. statement was so dumb it had to have been written by a white racist, don't ya think? Gwynnie- Of course they're 'racists', (if words have any meaning), but they're 'progressives' which implies, at least to me, that they're old fashioned 'Know Nothings' fortified with a whiff of 20th century totalitarianism. Can somebody tell me how these folks differ from the re-education camp administrators of Pol Pot, Stalin, Fidel, Hitler et al.? When pressed, they say they were a'gin 'em but I've got a hunch they'd be happy to run them. Remember, the jerk who wrote the 'training document' excerpt has a position of influence and has a salary paid by someone. They're all friggin' nazis in training although the paymasters are too stupid to know it. It all just reeks of Gramsci and his understanding of 'bourgoise' gullibility. Control the language and you control everything. Absolutely disgusting.
If you think it's not bad...You're wrong! Blacks have used the "R" card as a battering ram to get what they want for 40 years. Sharpton and Jackson know it's effective that's why they continue. Now, we see probably the final act of the charade where college students are indoctrinated into the concept of "inate" racism. Meanwhile blacks are committing 50% of violent crime, overpopulating the medicaid, welfare, section eight, roles, filling up jails, having 70% of their children out of wedlock, and it's still our fault. I go to predominately black neighborhoods on business and see white guys maintaining their houses and mexicans cutting their lawns while welfare mothers and their drug addict boyfriends sit on their asses. You need to understand that every section eight mother has a boyfriend living off of her entitlement. That is why so many black males are unemployed or underemployed. They can afford "not" to work as their old lady has the government housing. I don't mean to preach but there are things that need to be said and the media and politicians are not touching this stuff. We have to cut the money off or it will never get better.
That's why I've advocated a tax rebellion. Don't pay taxes owed on the 15th. Have your withholding changed at your workplace to the least amount .
We get 15-20 million people to do that they'll get the message and yes, they'll be Aristotle's "distributive justice" whereby a few are prosecuted but they can never prosecute 20 million people, never. In the late 1970's in California,Howard Jarvis, got proposition 13 on the ballot t limit taxes. It passed overwhelmingly and California was forced to live a more responsible fiscal life. We're trapped a bit with PC now because it outside of the PC orbit much of "free" speech has been criminalized as "hate " speech. This is the part where the rebellion begins in earnest because that is a right that belongs solely to the people and cannot be abridged....the only road to getting it back is through state legislatures or the gun. Proposition 13 Then, Now and Forever
by Stephen Moore Stephen Moore is director of fiscal policy studies at the Cato Institute. Political analysts often argue about when the modern-day conservative movement in America began. Some say that it began with Barry Goldwater's campaign in 1964. Others say it began with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. I believe that the conservative, anti-big-government tide in America began 20 years ago with the passage of taxpayer advocate Howard Jarvis's Proposition 13 in California. Proposition 13 was a political earthquake whose jolt was felt not just in Sacramento but all across the nation, including Washington, D.C. Jarvis's initiative to cut California's notoriously high property taxes by 30 percent and then cap the rate of increase in the future was the prelude to the Reagan income tax cuts in 1981. It also incited a nationwide tax revolt at the state and local levels. Within five years of Proposition 13's passage, nearly half the states strapped a similar straitjacket on politicians' tax-raising capabilities. Almost all of those tax limitation measures remain the law of the land today. Why was Proposition 13 so overwhelmingly approved in 1978? Few expected it to win. In fact, on two separate occasions, less draconian versions of Proposition 13 had failed. But by 1978 raging inflation had sent property tax bills in the Golden State soaring so high that many families had to sell their homes because they couldn't afford to pay their taxes. Despite a torrent of horror stories from teachers' unions, politicians, newspapers and corporate lobbyists in Sacramento about the potentially devastating effects of Proposition 13, more than 60 percent of the voters took a gamble and approved the ballot measure. Then and now, Proposition 13 was and is the subject of relentless attack. Money ran a cover story back in 1994 by Richard Reeves titled "The Tax Revolt That Ruined California." The article blamed the recession, the loss of 600,000 jobs and the decline in family incomes in the early 1990s on the cumulative effects of Proposition 13. No mention was made of the fact that in 1991 California passed the biggest tax increase ($7 billion) in the history of any state in the Union. The Pete Wilson tax increase negated many of the positive effects of Proposition 13. Only in government would a 75 percent real spending hike be considered inadequate and neglectful. The argument that Howard Jarvis's brainchild wrecked California was recast by a National Public Radio "news" segment earlier this month. Proposition 13 "drained the California school system of money," noted the NPR piece. "Since then California's test scores have gone from near the top of all the states to near the bottom." One former schoolteacher complained that he was forced to leave the teaching profession because the schools had no money to pay him a living wage. Meanwhile, libraries around the state were shut down. Municipal services deteriorated. Paradise was lost. But what is not said in any of these accounts is that Proposition 13 ushered in a second California gold rush in the 1980s. California's economic surge in the years following Proposition 13 was to become the envy of the nation. In the 10 years after the passage of Proposition 13, incomes in California grew 50 percent faster than in the nation as a whole; jobs grew at twice the national pace. Even supporters of Proposition 13 never envisioned that it would unleash the spectacular entrepreneurial and commercial explosion that it did over the next decade. Did Proposition 13 really starve state and local services? Hardly. In real dollars, California's budget climbed from $55 billion in 1980 to $97 billion in 1992 -- a 75 percent increase above inflation! Only in government would a 75 percent real spending hike be considered inadequate and neglectful. What about revenues? In the 1980s state tax revenues as a share of Californian's incomes actually rose -- from 11 to 12 percent. California is not an undertaxed state today. According to the latest Tax Foundation data, the state-local tax burden today in California is 11.7 percent of personal income, compared with a national average of 11.5 percent. Proposition 13 merely moved California from one of the highest tax states in the nation to a slightly above-average tax state. The major effect of Proposition 13 has been to save the average homeowner in California tens of thousands of dollars in property tax payments over the past 20 years. That is money that would have fueled an even more rapid buildup in California's state and local public bureaucracies if it had been sent to Sacramento and city hall. Californians intuitively understand this. That is why a large majority of California residents say that they would vote for Proposition 13 again if it were on the ballot this year -- 20 years Speaking in all seriousness, political correctness is a virus that is slowly destroying this country. It's further advanced in Britain and Canada, but I'm confident we'll overcome their lead.
I want to start a white organization to be the brother organization to La Raza. We could call it "The Race". I know, not too original... but somebody already took NAAWP.
It's takes supermen like us to carry the mis shapen dwarf of all woe up and on, on the rocky road, the eternal way.
Well, we had the Aryan Nations here for awhile, misfits from California mostly, and Missouri, led by Leader Richard Butler, an old fart, but the local judge and jury put em' all out of bidness, and sold the land and outbuildings.
And by the way, how do you know all those people in those pointy hats are white?