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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, October 29. 2007Morals and TaxationFrom Protein, on a piece by Robert Reich:
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Check out deuce's latest post at the Elephant Bar, about Social Security. Says we should pass it around, which I am doing.
When today's 20 and 30 somethings finally start paying attention to the social security system, the lid is gonna blow off the top of the DC stew pot.
Protein is right--the Reichs of this world are intent on stopping or slowing the creation of private wealth, as wealth creates freedom from gov't dependence (i.e. mostly the Democratic Party). That's basically why the Feds give you fifty cents of services for your taken dollar--they can't spend it all as is, past a natural 20% or so, it's being taken in order to preserve the country's political left wing--via keeping enough voters poor enough. It's a fricken crime, in plain sight. Debating the "fairness" of taxes or social security or just about any government program outside of their primary responsibility of defense is a waste of time.
We are well down the Road to Serfdom. I see no remedy but rebellion. Any "honest"person elected to Congress is immediately corrupted by the awesome power they initially see, then feel, then lust for even more of. In our time political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible an Orwellian quote but hardly visionary.. The history of man is the constant,unrelenting grab for power and money. If we are to be taxed then a flat tax is best. But the Monster Mash is about to overtake us as the renminbi is going to become the currency of choice. Soros, Warren Buffett all have huge shorts on the dollar in favor of the renminbi, and we are losing traction with the doillar every day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZJSW_7YLVs I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs
" Thomas Jefferson - letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802). Habu comment: The Federal Reserve bank is a private bank, not "Federal" It does have some ties one could say however..duh.. How we'll lose the dollar to the renminbi Keep in mind as you read this that it is the rich that pay somewhere on the order of 95% of all federal taxes. If they lose their money then the burden will fall farther down the food chain. H. If hedge funds were a country, it would be the eighth-biggest on the planet. They can sink whole economies, and have the potential to crash the entire global financial system. Yet they are beyond regulation. We should be very afraid Something ominous is going on in world finance - again. On 11 May, (article written in 2006) the US Federal Reserve, America's central bank, raised rates and hinted that it might do so again. Wall Street wobbled but stock markets in the emerging economies fell through the floor. Since that day, Colombia's stock market has slumped by 42 per cent; Turkey's by 38 per cent; Pakistan and Egypt by 28 per cent; India by 25 per cent; the Czech Republic by 22 per cent. Why? These fast-developing economies have been the recent darlings of the world's mobile capital, acting as magnets for multinational corporations seeking new frontiers. Yes, the US economy is still the biggest in the world and changes in US interest rates affect the entire global financial system. But there is something very dark indeed at the heart of this story and it is called the hedge-fund industry - lords of havoc who, a consensus is building, have the potential to be responsible for the next great crash - and nobody knows what to do about it. When Dr Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, the most important financial supervisor of all, was quizzed by the US Senate banking committee about whether derivatives - complex financial instruments liberally used by hedge funds - should be regulated, he commented: "Derivatives, for the most part, are traded among very sophisticated financial institutions and individuals who have considerable incentive to understand them and use them properly." This statement came pretty close to admitting that regulators don't have a clue what is going on and are therefore powerless to regulate the funds Given their sheer size and increasing influence, this is stunning - and scary. We have already seen this in action twice with devastating effect. ENRON was one giant hedge fund in disguise and LTCM, Long Term Capital Management went belly up even though it was run by tow Nobel prize winners in economics....."Gee, we missed a step in our equation" Hedge funds by numbers $1.5trn Total amount of money managed by hedge funds worldwide 9,000 Estimated number of hedge funds today...remmber these are UNregulated !! $250bn Estimated value of the Asian hedge-fund industry by 2010 Parts of this taken from an article by Janet Bush Published 31 July 2006 Our Depressogenic Media
By James Lewis, American Thinker "Depressogenic" is one of those overly long medical words, meaning "to cause depression." We know what causes depression in many individuals --- it is the overly harsh and constantly repeated self-criticism that many of us train ourselves to rehearse in our minds, and which can become automatic and uncontrollable after years of practice, in much the way that an annoying little habit can become uncontrollable. Musicians often develop such little out-of-control habits; Glenn Gould could not stop himself from singing during his piano recitals, as can be heard on his studio recordings. That is even more true for habits like our inner monologue, which we rarely understand to be habits. We tend to take our inner monologue for granted. (more) http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/2007/10/our_depressogenic_media.html That's a very helpful post --yes indeed, the habits of the interior conversation. I saw a guy on TV the other day--an author of a self-help book being interviewed, names escape, sorry--and he recommended nothing more than being aware of that monologue--so that a person can (finally) see the negative loops, and--he said--the thing to do is to simply holler "Stop!" inside your head, and force an immediate refresh.
i think that's called 'behavioral' therapy--change the behavior, and the mind will follow 9is thew idea). Outside-in, IOW. Sort of an opposite pole from Freud's inside-out approach.
In the case of hollering "Stop!", since it's so convenient and private, a person has no excuse not to try it. I've been using it to quit beating myself up over poor trades--or more specifically missed trades. Then instead of the old loop ("you gutless moron, why didn't you..." et cetera) I 'stop!' and redirect to all the fundamental--if unconscious--reasons for whatever it was i did or didn't do--and surprise surprise, that old non-monologuing self is usually, or at least often, a lot wiser that that little perfectionist turd that has been chastising me nonstop for as long as i can remember. I guess it's what that old 'angel on one shoulder, demon on the other, both whispering into one's ears' idea was trying to say. anyway, i'll be self-aware & sane awhile, then get bored with it and go back to nutso. LOL. "Habits is chains"
Oh boy, I've got enough me's that I'm not sure that internally yelling "Stop" would ever get heard over the din of other conversations taking place. I figured when multitasking became a big deal I'd just ramp up a few beta tested personalities and bump them up to alpha status...that can create problems.
Thirty years ago I had a t-shirt made that said Schizophrenia, You're Never Alone .. I think I'll have another one made since the first one has long since gone to my t-shirt hall of fame. Yeah, behavior modification is the way to go.
I know years ago when I lived in LA and would go to Vegas and play Blackjack all night, drink, smoke Winstons, and pinch the waitress's derrieres I was in need of behavior modification. I immediately sought help in exactly how to bet correctly on the crap table. Problem of the Blackjack table solved !!! heh heh, speaking of derrière-pinching, better get it out of your system before Jan '09. After that, the sign over the gate will be "Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves".
Behavior modification dontcha know. Naw..we're gonna win this thing ..she'll never out duel G-man or Romney in any debate and her negatives are too high....pus the country is not going to trust her in a war setting...
If G-man can get Fred as his VP it's all over... but just in case remember it ain't that far to Montana from Drippping Springs and we'll need some smart people...know anybody with any medic experience? well i have medicined, treated, sewed up, and helped berf many a cow and goat. i guess i could rate as a journeyman medic--on animals. Such work is a tad ghastly but i can do it. Twuz necessity for many years.
buddy larsen
2007-10-30 01:02