I, your News Junkie, am leaving for a three-day bird hunt tonight, but I am leaving our readers with these:
Keep your $5 million. Joe Torre is gone. Sad about it. It's the end of the Torre Era in New York.
If you don't know what a "Hudna" is, you'd better learn. h/t, Jules
Pakistan finally getting serious. This looks like the real deal.
Brown hands UK sovereignty to Brussels. The Last British Government
"Everything and its opposite is prima facie evidence of a US conspiracy." No Pasaran
The Garden State will be left with nothing but weeds. Ankle Biting
Voters vote with their gut. Pajamas (h/t, Blue Crab's comments on the subject)
A poll of the Right blogosphere. We are centrist, which is surely why Mr. Hawkins did not poll us.
The Barrister referred to obesity earlier today. Mr. Free Market asks "Who ate all the pies?"
Opie sent us the Thelonious Monk download site. Thanks, Opie
Is the value of wine fully reflected in its price? Prof B
The backlash against Gore and globalistical warmening begins
Will Massachusetts be the first state to legalize marriage with robots?