Moose using human shields.
We agree with Robert Reich! - against farm subsidies. Long outdated, but proof that once a govt gives a handout, it's tough to take it away.
New NASA evidence refutes global warming. Gateway. The video is good.
Even SF is fed up with human poop on the sidewalk. Jules. I thought they were compassionate and tolerant there. Bums are people too.
Got an elephant problem? Try bees.
Brit National Health turning to private insurors for help.
Who would expect this in Switzerland?
Is "personal responsibility" a "simplistic" notion? The NYT thinks so.
Vincente Fox called me a racist. Not only is he in error, but what did he do to make his citizens want to live in their own country?
Did you read about the "cascade effect" among scientists? They are human, after all.
Wise advice from Scott at Powerline, with this quote from Tony Blankley:
Every faction within the GOP coalition should agree immediately to make no further demands of their party. Just as the liberals did in 1991 and 1992, the conservatives of 2007 and 2008 simply should let their strongest candidate campaign in a way most likely to gain victory. Every conservative principle thereby would be safer than if heavy demands yield a Hillary presidency. Given the grotesque irresponsibility of the national Democrats, keeping them out of the White House should be the first calling of every patriotic conservative.
Photo was from Classical Values, last year