Good point at Coyote, re socialized medicine:
...surely women's groups, who were at the forefront of fighting against government intrusion into our decisions about our bodies, is out there leading the fight against government health care. WRONG! Their privacy arguments stand out today as sham libertarian arguments that applied only narrowly to abortion. It's clear that as long as they can get full access to abortion, women's groups are A-OK with government intrusion into people's decisions about their bodies.
And re SCHIP, Fred Barnes explains why extending a poverty entitlement to the middle class is a bad idea. Weekly Standard. This used to be called "creeping socialism." At the least, it is an effort to transform a charity, stepwise, into a universal entitlement.
Hollywood goes to war. Propa-tainment, by Jules at Pajamas
Opie says Freedom Watch is the Here's their NYT advt about Ahmadinejad.
A very bad dude killed in Iraq
Krugman: There was no middle class before FDR.
Who is Joyce Hatto? She's a virtuoso pianist, but you might not have heard of her. Attack Machine has the tale.
America's worst airlines. Gay Patriot. Speaking of air travel, the Carol Ann Gotbaum story. Who knows where that story goes, but it's a damn shame. Those airport guards are quick to use force on the obviously innocent, and everyone knows that.