Pepsi Gives the US The Finger: The Final Episode
What an embarassing episode. The speech sounds remarkably naive, oblivious to the sophistication and IQ of the audience, unintelligent, condescending, anti-American in its undertones, sophomorically full of mixed metaphors that don't add up, and plain painful to read, much less to have heard. I entirely agree with Scott in that assesment. She needs a speechwriter - fast. PepsiCo can afford it with their profits from the trash they peddle around the world. Powerline is all over the story, in a balanced way, and has posted the text. One can only feel badly for Nooryi - she isn't quite ready for prime time, and no doubt she has learned this by today. If it were a guy, you would throw tomatoes, or at least nicely give her the old hook and yank her offstage for her own good. But who is ready for prime time, except for Krauthammer? Just one question - How does Great Scott at Powerline find time for all of this? And forget boycotting PepsiCo in indignation - who eats or drinks their junk anyway? I will promise one thing: If the MSM covers the story, I will eat a (small) bag of Fritos.