Why Kim du Toit Moved to Texas
Quite an amusing account of how�our favorite�gun-loving blogger made his mind up about what state to move to. I am not sure why "work" never entered into his calculations - but�Kim has more important considerations:
I�m just one guy, and we should be careful about using a sample of one to make any kind of judgement; but when we decided that Chicago was too much of a totalitarian state for us (even though we loved the place, and leaving it would cause us severe financial hardship, not to mention emotional stress), we didn�t move to Michigan (our first choice), because Michigan requires that its citizens register their handguns. Not gonna do that.
We didn�t move to Vermont, because the state required us to register as homeschoolers; we didn�t move to Pennsylvania because their state taxes were too high; and we went on and on through the states, checking to see which one incorporated the best mix of gun laws, homeschooling-friendliness, low taxes and low government involvement in its citizens� lives generally.
Needless to say, New Jersey, California, Massachusetts, and New York were never considered at all.
Ultimately, we were left with Arizona, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Idaho and Texas. New Hampshire and Idaho were too far from the Son&Heir (flights to DFW being both infrequent/inconvenient and expensive), and Arizona and Oklahoma were too desolate for our taste.
I'm afraid that, except for NH, many of�Kim's "evil states" are clustered in our Northeast. Well, and in the Northwest too - for sure. I think�perhaps political attitudes influenced his final selection, but Kim writes in a very nuanced fashion:
Of course I think that the politicians in the Evil States are a bunch of scum; of course I think that what they�re doing is reprehensible; and of course I think that they should be hanged from utility poles en masse, this prick Louis Manzo having the first place in line.
But they were elected, and if the people of the Evil States keep electing them, then there�s not a whole lot I can say that will change that.
So, to all my Readers in the Evil States (and you know who you are), I have only one thing to say, even though I�ve said it time and time before: