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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, August 28. 2007Brit Cousins, Listen Up
Indeed it does, but I am not sure which "culture of civic self-control" is referred to. Seems to me that the "privileged" in Britain were always free to do as they pleased - and did. Anyway, No Pasaran comments on O'Sullivan's piece, re the impact of the 60s on Britain:
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Yep, no more kidney pie .. damn
England is Vanishing By Cal Thomas The figures, making headlines in London newspapers, tell only part of the story. Between June 2005 and June 2006 nearly 200,000 British citizens chose to leave the country for a new life elsewhere. During the same period, at least 574,000 immigrants came to Britain. This number does not include the people who broke the law to get there, or the thousands unknown to the government. Britain's Office of National Statistics reports that middle-class Britons are beginning to move out of towns in southern England that have become home to large numbers of immigrants, thereby altering the character of neighborhoods that have remained unchanged for generations. more: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2007/08/vanishing_england.html The truly revealing thing is reading the comments in the Telegraph in response to articles such as this. Lots of venom, directed at everyone and everything. Little agreement on what to do. Not a good sign.
British nanny authority gone dark:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=2T5_0AGdFic http://youtube.com/watch?v=uX6VCKne1lE They are our experiment only 20 years ahead. Just look at them to roll the clock in your mind and think:
cameras on every corner hate speech laws that ban the term "ISO SWF" in your personals for instance de-balled military immigrants galore, only the kind that hate your guts and want to kick you out and not speak English Gun bans no manufacturing base and so on As you can tell things are well on their way here. Right on target Phil..
Folks there in one nice tight synopsis Phil is telling it like it is..good job man. For me, I suppose that I would sum it up by saying that once Great Britain has been replaced by the combination of the so-called inclusiveness that excludes those that hold traditional values, the elevation of sensationalist cele-braty behavior combined with an all pervasive cult of mediocrity
My blood pressure rose significantly when I read the following rather smug comment: "Seems to me that the "privileged" in Britain were always free to do as they pleased - and did." So British society, the true marvel and fountain of much that is good and worthy in the world since the Glorious Revolution, was created by who and what then? Sheesh!
Roger Scruton, who has forgotten more about Britain than either "bird dog" or myself will ever know, says it best in his wonderful book "England: An Elegy." "The English elite was a slowly forming, slowly changing and yet mobile society of people whose conections, formedthrough scool, college and regiment wereof the kind that ostered trust while maintaining distance. It ethos was collegateratherthan familial and this gave it enormous power to withstand external shock, to reform itself underthreeat and to guarantee honest and trustwthy behavious from its members." Whoever wrote the original blog entry clearly has been watching too many post WWII, leftist interpretations of British society and movies and TV. Of course lately you don't get many class based scripts since the left has essentially succeeded in destroying "honest and trustworthy" behavior that made Britain an envy of the world for almost 400 years. Pardon any obnoxious glibness. Whatever Scruton says, I agree with, sight-unseen.
Please excuse the above entry. I hit the wrong button. What I meant to say is presented below.
My blood pressure rose significantly when I read the following rather smug comment: "Seems to me that the "privileged" in Britain were always free to do as they pleased - and did." So British society, the true marvel and fountain of much that is good and worthy in the world since the Glorious Revolution, was created by who and what then? Sheesh! Roger Scruton, who has forgotten more about Britain than either "bird dog" or myself will ever know, says it best in his wonderful book "England: An Elegy." "The English elite was a slowly forming, slowly changing and yet mobile society of people whose connections, formed through school, college and regiment were of the kind that fostered trust while maintaining distance. It ethos was collegiate rather than familial and this gave it enormous power to withstand external shock, to reform itself under threat and to guarantee honest and trustworthy behaviour from its members." Whoever wrote the original blog entry clearly has been watching too many post WWII, leftist interpretations of British society in movies and TV. Of course lately you don't get many class based scripts since the left has essentially succeeded in destroying the "honest and trustworthy" behavior that made Britain an envy of the world for almost 400 years. |
I originally typed that title back in January 2004 when your humble correspondent was but a baby blogger who barely troubled the sitemeter. These days, older, fatter & more jaundiced than ever, rather than post something new, in the...
Tracked: Aug 29, 19:23