All your children are belong to us. The Brit Big Brother child registry. How soon before they stick a GPS monitoring device in each one of them?
Keep your kid out of kindergarten: At NRO
Lots of good guest bloggers at Jules this week.
Hello, Sailor. It's about Napoleon
Mother Theresa's struggles with faith (plus a word about Princess Diana). More thoughts on her "blessing of struggle" at S,C and A.
Is Middle Eastern Studies an academic discipline or a political movement? Winfield Myers (h/t, a piece at Augean Stables)
Do you have a Melissa Theuriau obsession? Apparently, many do. She is cute for sure, but lacks the edgy, reckless dangerousness one might prefer in fantasy females.
Johns Hopkins is rethinking sex assignment surgery. Small Dead Pangolins. Glad to hear it. I like the quote from Dr. McHugh.
Why some Dems are completely wrong about subprime loan remedies. Reason
The Borderline Sociopathic Book for Boys. Sippican
Illegals moving out. Polipundit. It isn't really very complicated.
How black law students can get screwed by affirmative action. Ace
Think you are horny? Meet Lurch: get a load of this beast.
It's about the feedback loop. Climate, by Coyote, our reality-checker.
Tell me again - what is Hillary Clinton's experience? Wizbang. In my opinion, she is a press-invented celeb candidate, and nothing more. Crafty? Yes. Wise? I don't see it.
Healthy fear. It is healthy and normal to fear Moslems, says Dr. Sanity
How do snakes live 6 months without food? They can keep growing too.