A re-post from last spring:

Mohonk. My Gramp's favorite place, and one of my Pa's favorites, if you don't include Tuscany or Norway. When you arrive, your first view of the place in the woods�is astonishing. Great rock-climbing in the Gunks.
Tanglewood. Stay in Lenox, or at the 200 year-old �Red Lion in Stockbridge, not too far from Maggie's Farm.
Chatauqua.�Yes, it still exists and is going strong, with mental stimulation.
The Mount Washington Hotel. A grand year-round place, if you ski or snowshoe.
Chatham Bars Inn.�Mostly summer, on the elbow of the Cape. My preference for the Cape is early September: water is warm, the crowds thin out, and the migratory birds are everywhere.
Monhegan Island. Get away from it all, even more so than Cuttyhunk.
Wellfleet. The real old regular-folks Cape, without the nouveau riche of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard and their Hummers.
Photo: Monhegan Island, from this guy's photo site