Walking is bad for Gaia. Driving is better. No need to even try to satirize the warming movement: it satirizes itself.
Hillary Clinton's "experience." What experience? We missed this April piece by Dick Morris from The Hill. As we have asked before, What has she ever run? What has she ever done?
Erik von Markovic: Master Seducer. I need this guy's book.
Tom Wolfe on the Hedgies: Pirate Poseurs and Twinkie Wives.
Modern Scouting in Dorset. Pitiful. Sounds like a program designed to turn men into Victorian girls mice.
The critics and Jon Swift on Antonioni and Bergman.
Lots of good news from Iraq that we aren't being told. This bit has been passed all around, but we found it first at Synthstuff.
The Ask What Your Country Can Do For You Department: Here's a candidate who has a different view:
“Government cannot take care of you. You’ve got to take care of yourself.” He said the marketplace, not the government “nanny state,” needs to do the work of fixing the nation’s health care problems. He said that “We’ve got to solve our health care problem with American principles, not the principles of socialism.”…
“Americans believe in free-market solutions to the challenges we face, and I believe we can reduce costs, expand access to, and improve the quality of health care by increasing competition. America’s health care system is being dragged down by decades of government-imposed mandates and wasteful, unaccountable bureaucracy.”…
“I don’t care what Michael Moore says in his movie,” he said. “I’ve never had anybody ask me for help to get into a Cuban hospital or a Canadian hospital or an English hospital. They all want to come to America. So let’s take what’s right about our system and let’s improve it.”