Dean supports Sanders for Senate. Oh, man. Get real, Vermont.
Can Air America Fly on One Wing? The latest on this donor-supported broadcaster.
AARP is in in big trouble with me. A classic example of what Bird Dog wrote about last week - non-profits taking in dues and ignoring your wishes at HQ in DC. Their chief lobbyist here. These things deserve to be scandals.
Taking Putin for a Ride, #2 Welch in Reason: "For nearly 15 years, anxious Russologists like Thomas L. Friedman have urged Washington to ignore the security pleadings of the "buffer states," treat Moscow with the deference it craves, and above all else avoid waking up the sleeping bear. Bush has decisively thrown that advice into the dustbin of history. For the moment, at least, it looks like Bush was right." Read entire.
Behind the "Get Delay" movement: WSJ names the Leftist organizations here.
Dick Morris Predicts Condi vs Hillary. I predict that neither will be nominated.
Update on Aerospace in Jane's