According to Drudge, the phone system to the Senate had collapsed under the weight of anti-immigration bill phone calls today! And the Bill goes down, thanks to an informed citizenry.
Major Supremes decision: Reject school race plans on equal protection grounds. This may help reduce the obsession with race. Nowadays, you can hardly tell what race anyone is anyway - even if you cared. I don't give a damn what race anyone is.
Claim: All of Russia belongs to Canada? Wizbang. And, speaking of the Russians, I thought they liked vodka. Apparently their drink of choice is anti-freeze. Do not try that at home.
Sarbox has made US capital markets less competitive in the world. There is no doubt, from what I hear. Prof. B. agrees. Sarbox was using a sledgehammer on a flea.
The Anbar Offensive. Bill Roggio
Biologists look towards a paradigm shift in evolutionary theory. I have been willing to accept that random variation and selection/adaptation can account for minor variation, but not for the the big, dramatic, sudden shifts. All theories eventually die.
Honey, I have a headache.
Churches try to move Left, together. Front Page. The Left hates religion mixed with politics - unless it's their politics. Christ had no politics. He was way beyond and above that. And, in my opinion, caring for people has nothing to do with politics either.
The truth about the Pew Global Poll. Riehl. I usually say that what the world thinks about the US doesn't matter, but it does, if we want to be a model. On the other hand, everybody always hates and envies the top dog.
Credit markets: Junk mortgages and junk loans have replaced junk bonds as high risk, high reward debt. The junk mortgages have already taken a fall, but my inside info says watch that credit market.
As quoted in a piece at Betsy,
Political expression in America is being liberated as has never before been done in human history. Why does that bother Feinstein, Boxer, Clinton, Kucinich and other Fairness Doctrine advocates?
I wish those closet Orwellians would come after the blogs, because we would know how to fight back.
Photo: From Theo's Collection of Fine Art Photography