Talk Radio
I love Garrison Keillor as a precious addition to my life. It is a treat when I can hear him coming through from Northeast NPR on Saturday night, and his books are masterpieces of warm, penetrating yet empathic humor, like a perfect psychiatrist, uncle or grandfather. He has fine, eclectic taste in music, and his singing voice has the same sort of sweet quavering frailty we heard in Jerry Garcia's. I don't agree with his politics, but he's from Minnesota so he can't help it. Still, I don't get why he seems to hate Bush, who seems to be the only person on the planet that this gentle man despises. He points out that local talk radio has been around since the advent of radio, and he claims no fear of conservative - he calls it "right wing" - radio. But he prefers the local chat. (Photo from Lake Wobegon Trails courtesy of Ludwig Photo)