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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, June 13. 2007Wednesday Morning Cat
Evil, evil nativist requests that people speak English. Protein Wisdom. Personally, I demand that you speak English, unless I feel like practicing my French or German. A call to arms in Britain. About time. Confederate Yank, He talk like a white boy. LaShawn CAIR is a Potemkin Village. Powerline. 26 donors, and they put their spokesmen on TV? CAIR is now a proven scam. From "global warming" to "climate change." Shrinkwrapped thinks that change in wording heralds the end of that silliness. Menopause chic. Neo-neocon. Big Babies. The press wants special treatment. Dr. Sanity. They live in a dream world, like academics. It's not the economy, stupid. Viking. Find another issue. The grim truth about Darfur. Sometimes you have to let the fire burn, and wring your hands, and wish there were something to do, says Jeff Harrell. D-Day. Another badly mismanaged battle plan. Aren't they all, in retrospect? Every armchair general is a genius in retrospect. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if Lincoln had left the popular McClellan in charge. For your convenience (but mainly for our convenience), we have added the following sites to our Blogroll of Honor: Memeorandum, Prof. Deneen's What I Saw in America, and Dumb Still Looks Free
Posted by The News Junkie
in Hot News & Misc. Short Subjects
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Love that cat! But it would whup my poor darling old golden...will admire from a distance...
Do you need a backhoe to clean the litter box?
What ambience is created in a "home" furnished with extruded aluminum furniture? Imagine what that cat's claws wd do to the orientals. It wdnt bring home birds, but baby humans!
They find a 100+ year old whaling spear tip lodged in a whale ...now THEY know the whales age..right? 100+ years.
OK say I'm driving the battlefield at Gettysburg and puncture a tire. The offending deflator is a Civil War era nail, from one of the thousands of wagons in that area.....does that mean my car tire is 144 years old? My thanks!
That looks to be an Ocicat, which was on of the two breeds I was looking to have around the home, as I liked the general description of temperment: sweet disposition, learns rules around the home, enforces same. This one has obviously been put in charge of phone answering duties, and is hoping that a poll where button based input is calling... so that a reasonable response can be had from the home. I do love cats... especially intelligent ones... and seem to be a repository for 'dumb cat stories' as a result. The decor the Ocicat is in looks very familiar, coming from WNY: it looks like the type that one gets when starting out in life from the Salvation Army or what one leaves behind in cottages and summer homes and such. Very utilitarian, functional and, if you have no eye for decor, that is it. Many a home in the working class districts and such of Buffalo in the '70s to '80s would put cheap utility ahead of looks. Because if it is a choice between a nice kitchen table and heating for a month in December, well, heat isn't cheap and the table you have works. Again, my thanks for listing! I don't drop by often due to living in permanent 'limited attention span theater'. retriever ,
it is really the opposite..what would the oriental do to the cat? deep fry? open pit? stir fry? not too much cumin. a bit of ginger and cayenne pepper. If ajacksonian is correct and it is an Occidenal cat then you might indeed have trouble with Orientals.
Well I finally figured out why the President, the Democrats and the Republicans are working so hard on this amnesty thing. I don't think I've shared this with you but if I have just mark it down to dementia.
The immigration/amnesty is but one cog in the wheel. Here's what's unfolding. The North American Union and the protocols of that and the SSP were signed a few years ago. That really set the course for our loss of national sovereignty. The 12-20 million "new" citizen fit in this way. The Democrats will get 80% of their votes and retain Congress and the WH. The 2010 census will trigger the reapportionment of the nation. The Democrats will push through an expansion of the House from 435 members to 535 or 600, whatever. They will benefit immensely from this and it should keep them in power for 100 years. It should also make a republican president impossible to elect. The Senate will likewise be expanded as the states will be redrawn to reflect various "cultural" demographics. Naturally the Supreme Court will be expanded from 9 to 15 or 23, whatever. They'll be Marxist certified. The Republicans are going along because for them it's all about just being a member of an "elite" ruling body and them moving onto corporate boards and beltway careers, continuing to use taxpayer dollars . The Republicans have long since proved they do not have the fire in the belly to lead the nation. They just want the membership and the contracts. It also means cheap labor for their corporations where cheap labor is in short supply. The President is a committed New World Order guy. In his mind a North American Union of Canada,Mexico, and the USA is as natural as misunderestimation. Hillary loves it because it provides her with the Canadian model of health care to immediately graft onto and "improve" If you read the information on the North American Union and the SSP it begins to all make sense. The irony is that this particular bill isn't even necessary for the achievement of the NAU. However it will facilitate it's implementation. Basically we're screwed, the middle class that is. It will definitely be the haves and the have not's and you'll see a redistribution of income happen faster than ever before. Looks a lot like an Ocelot. Hey that ryhmes. rhymes. rimes. whatever
Anyhoo, Comrade Juan, re the Revolution, we have no fire in the belly because we have no Che tee shirts. Nevermind that cult of personality is counter to our ways--we need a Che tee shirt.
No revolution BL...all done by the stealthy and wealthy...
The Great Deception, the European Union Booker and North have done yeoman work in exploring scores of original sources related to the modern European Union. Most impressively, they have returned to the 1920s, when the contemporary notion of "European Union" began. They note that an element of deception has been present since the very earliest years of the project, demonstrating that the idea's early exponents believed that their utopian ideals, whilst admirable, ought to be realized without the knowledge or participation of the member countries' peoples. In fact, Booker and North reveal that a strong tendency of the strain of Unionists which created the present Brussels regime has been to shun democracy by creating a supranational authority with no meaningful accountability to the people, whilst simultaneously subverting individual states' national sovereignty. A thoroughly absorbing and fascinating read, one essential for anyone interested in contemporary European politics. The defeat in France and the Netherlands of the EU constitution has not rendered this book irrelevant; indeed, it provides a warning about the accumulated power of a body still very much in being and still very zealous to reach the consummation of its endeavors. So now we follow with a grand One World Order design.. Yep--the defeats in France and elsewhere of the EU constitution is seen, according to reports, in Brussels as little more than a temporary setback.
Huge counter-trend with the center-right governments being elected all over the continent--don't lose hope quite yet! buddy - That is why it is named the Ocicat... it does look like an Ocelot, but they didn't want folks mistaking the two names. An image search on Ocicat should bring up some nice images...
As to France, etc.... do remember that the French invented the term cordon sanitaire for a reason. And most of Eastern Europe has had problems wanting a new bureaucratic class over them having just gotten rid of the Communist bureaucratic class. And over at Gates of Vienna northern Europe is hearing the creaking of socialist glaciers in their cultures as wide cracks are showing that all that money for a cozy society hasn't bought any safety. Still, decades of inertia have made getting any sort of actual look at what is going on around folks there a real problem. Sarkozy's election and follow-on parliamentary landslide is the best possible thing to validate the rise of center-right nationalists in Scandinavia--and even Belgium & Holland. I'd say it's near-certain the old postwar model is kaput. The Euro currency markets seem to think so, for sure! Now, if only the people will fight that enertia--that entropy--in the civil services...well, the west may yet come back! It's the way to bet, now, and that's a new thing.
Great D-Day link. Folks who have to listen to other folks harp on OIF "incpompetence" ought to read it.
More great results from Pelosi's Damascus pilgrimage. That cat is ordering take-out from the Colonel.
Hi AJ! Good to see you - and, great to hear your take on things. Nice that some EU countries are coming around. And here we are about to start a conflagration for our own identity. Our leaders don't seem to care about it. Too bad we're all old. We could have a Summer of '68 and cause a stink. Of course, it would be the Summer of 07. Doesn't matter the name as long as the message is down with PC and No, You Can't Move In....Get Off A My Cloud. . 33 dead police officers in Britain. 28 would not be dead had they been armed.
Unarmed policemen. The Twitish have bats in their belfries. From Jeff Goldstein:
"This year, Colorado schools reported enrolling 71,582 students who speak little or no English - a 210 percent increase from 10 years ago, when the number was 23,062." Check that out. That's enough to make you sick. And, goody! We'll have a 510 percent increase in a few years. What are our politicians thinking? What an amazing betrayal to our country. . Women who use menopause as an excuse to be asses.
They deserve a damn good whacking. . Phoenix, embrace the suck:
http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NGRiNDA2NzUyNGEwZGMwYzFlMTdiMjNkOTllMTMzZmI Phoenix - It is good to see you, too!
A frustrating few months here and some recovery on the energy front but the need to get out of Dodge as soon as things come together just a bit are distracting me. That and folks like Monzer al-Kassar.. did a three part work up on him and I really didn't run out of material, just energy. What hasn't he been involved with since the late 1970's? Still, plans to move will finally creak into action a bit later next month... then it is just a matter of chartering a plane and leaving the DC area to head out west. It will be a flurry of activity to do it all in a few days and then rest for a month or two after while the rest of the household goods get trucked in. Such is life... Thanks, Buddy. Oh, UGH, is all I have to say. Duplicity no matter what direction one turns.
I am glad to hear your move is in the making. It will be chaotic as all moves are. I hope you do well through it. I smiled at your latest effort: Monzer al-Kassar. You have such purpose, and, of course, the energy thing is such a drain on your talent. When you get settled don't stop commenting here and there! It is a kindess of yours that you share what you know. I should say - a smidgen of the voluminous amount that you know. :) If I don't see you on our favorites before you move, my best to you in that endeavor. . |