I found Dr. Helen's discussion of the psychiatrist, Dr. Richard Friedman, who stated in the New York Times that he made politically-correct referrals, a good one, but I was confused by Dr. Friedman's premises.
Psychiatry is not all about empathy. In fact, empathy is just one of many tools in ye olde toolbox. When patients ask for a certain gender, age, color, etc. for a referral, I like to explore why. Usually it is a "resistance," ie based on the idea that someone might go easy on them and not challenge what needs to be challenged.
All shrinks have seen people who search until they find someone who will "support" them rather than shake up their world and challenge their inner problems. Kindly, one would hope, but also aggressively, because life is short. For example, a black patient might chose a black psychiatrist because "he would better understand my life." Nonsense. He just maybe might understand your surface outer life, but we deal with inner life. That is our special expertise.
I have been known to say "What you are saying sounds full of shit," and it has been quite helpful - and truly "empathic" - because it was true.
Empathy is just a tool for speaking the truth.
Depth psychotherapy for character flaws is about the doctor doing battle with a series of resistances. When one is cut down, the next resistance in line pops up. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a high-falutin' game of Whack-A-Mole.
I will never forget one consultation I did with a fancy, somewhat condescending middle-aged WASP lady, to assess her appropriateness for psychoanalysis. She mentioned that, if possible, she would prefer a Jewish analyst. Why? "I guess maybe because I wouldn't worry about what I said to a Jew." There was Resistance #1 handed to me on a platter: shame about what she might say or reveal. Thus she told me that shame was one of her surface resistances - part of the easy work before the subtler transference resistances kick in.
Neo-neo commented on Dr. Helen's piece, and said that she knew therapists who would not treat a Republican. In my opinion, such a "therapist" is a fraud and not prepared to help anyone, because they are clearly so caught up in their own self that they do not welcome the adventure of trying to enter another person's mental world.
Can you imagine a surgeon caring more about your politics than about your appendix? There is a little thing called the Hippocratic Oath.