Have you noticed, lately, to what extent talk radio relies on blogs for subject matter? Quite remarkable.
This is truly nuts. Is it not difficult enough to live in reality without hallucinogens?
May 1 will be a sad day in Caracas. NY Sun
Can we have an honest debate on immigration before Bush and the Dems push through their own plan? Blue Crab. As I recall, the last time there was "immigration reform" there was no debate either.
Judge is shocked - shocked. Doesn't everyone know how common these frauds are?
What career has the highest job satisfaction? Bird of Paradise
Why do 90% of blacks vote Dem? The Politics of Fear. A quote from the piece at Am. Thinker:
In the United States today remarkable strides have been made in the reduction of age-old hatreds and enmities. The average American is a remarkably tolerant and inclusive person. Why, the average American has even been taught to believe that Islam is a religion of peace.What a pity that liberals have exempted themselves and their political supporters from this advance in human societal relations. But it is understandable. You see, American blacks, gays, feminists, and academicians live in a world assailed on all sides by the menacing "Other:" Fundamentalists, theocrats, racists, sexists, classists, and homophobes. And do they ever hate and fear the fundamentalists, theocrats, racists, sexists, classists, and homophobes that harass and oppress them.
The real cost of SARBOX. It has been a disaster, with financial needs running to London and elsewhere to escape. Luskin. A cure that is worse than the disease. Very damaging to New York City, in particular.
A revealing quote about the French Left from Segolene, from a collection of them at My Vast RW Conspiracy:
“I’m making policies by looking at what I would do for my own children.”
Evangelicals thrive in England. (h/t, News for Christians)
Same story, different takes on it. Done with Mirrors. These kinds of chasms cannot be bridged because they are not about reason.
Narcissists cannot apologize, or be grateful. Why? Dr X
The Global War Against Baby Girls. Evangelical Outpost. Very disturbing.
Depressed yet? Viking on the coming train wreck of entitlements.
Photo: Diane Lane, for Ex-Donkey ex-blogger