Front Page mag interviewed Dr. Ted Dalrymple in 2005: Our Culture, What's Left of It. (h/t, David Thompson)
What does it mean to talk about "the gap between rich and poor"? Samizdata. Every Marxist attitude is based on the erroneous assumption that wealth is a zero sum game. Marx was not an economist.
The Guardian reassures you: Don't be fooled. France is still Leftist. My theory: They want Louis XIV back, but won't admit it.
If people are this uninterested and uninformed, why listen to polls? Betsy
Why should Canada try to go Greenie, when China does whatever they want? Small Dead Baby Kittens
Rick Moran encounters his first bidet.
The secret Gore campaign? Is it for real? (h/t, Jules)
An eco-chick. It's about fashion. Haha. Just so stupid.
The Fastest Texter tournament. Teen wins. Big surprise there.
Green power will ruin California open space. CSM
More border violence. CSM
Illegal immigration: An issue which damages both Dems and Repubs. Powerline
Mark Steyn on Hoplophobia. Never Yet Melted
Who gets shot every day in America? Youth gangs, and plenty of suicides.
Iowahawk did some fun cars for Earth Day.