I missed the details of the Supreme Court abortion decision. They upheld a federal law, not a state law as I had supposed. We Americans have abundant God-given rights and freedoms, but perhaps the freedom to commit infanticide was not among them.
Chimp intelligence. NYT Science Times. OK,OK - give them the right to vote.
It looks good for Sarkozy. Captain Ed
Having it both ways with global scare pollution: Wizbang. More hurricanes or fewer hurricanes - it's still warming that causes it.
Guns down, gun crime up in Britain. Riehl
And, on the same subject, Dr. Ted Dalrymple on The British Way of Murder at City Journal. A quote:
Britain is experiencing a spate of murders that suggests a population increasingly unable, or unwilling, to control itself. A recent survey suggested that the British are now more prone to knife-fights than any other people in Europe. Guns have also become fashionable, despite—or is it because of?—stringent laws against them.
"Let's begin the healing process and move on." Such pseudo-psychobabble. Dr. Sanity agrees with me, of course.