My Friend, Milton Friedman, by Charles Brunie in City Journal. Many stories about Friedman. I did not realize that he was an academic pariah. He never followed the Party Line.
Duke case updates at LaShawn and Durham in Wonderland
Camille Paglia interview on all topics at Salon.
I wouldn't know Katie Couric from Adam, but this new story is just one more example of how phony MSM news really is. Captain Ed
When did Cheryl Crow find time to get her PhD in Paleoclimatology? Because if she doesn't have one, she'd better not try lecturing to me.
William F. Buckley Jr. has a few words about the Dartmouth trustee election. Powerline
Half of Americans reject the concept of evolution. I don't know what to make of that.
How dumb is Al Sharpton? From an old interview with Peter Jennings when Sharpton was running for president, at Attack Machine (you have to scroll down on his blog until he gets some dang permalinks):
JENNINGS: And what you'd be looking for in a chairman of the Federal Reserve Board?
SHARPTON: Oh, in the Federal Reserve Board, I would be looking for someone that would set standards in this country, in terms of our banking, our — in how government regulates the Federal Reserve as we see it under Greenspan, that we would not be protecting the big businesses; we would not be protecting banking interests in a way that would not, in my judgment, lead toward mass employment, mass development and mass production.
Got that?
Image: Gratuitous photo of TV chef Rachel Ray, on loan from a piece on Manatee steak at Right Wing News. The photo on loan, that is. Not Rachel, although I heard she is getting divorced.