Hostages: There was a quid pro quo. NY Sun
As drunk as a ...bat?
And speaking of bats, the Yankees will dominate baseball and will win 110 games this season. It's in the math.
Army "tiptoes" into Sadr City. CSM. I think they would respect ruthless force more than an army tip-toeing through the tulips.
Guilty until proven innocent. The MASS v. EPA case, and why it's a big problem for freedom and for the future. Tracisnksi at Real Clear Politics. It's an open-ended invitation for federal control over everything - and technically, even breathing. Roberts' dissent sounds compelling. Can we please have one more sane person on the Court who loves freedom more than government power? I don't want death for anyone - just a happy retirement on a golf course in Florida or Arizona. Everybody else retires and makes room for the younger folks...
That was then; this is now. Betsy on Dem flip-flopping re war funding.
A half-crazed Gore booed in Canada. His response: "I can't tell whether you are left-wing or right-wing." That's a revealing statement: it's about politics, not science.