Rare image, on loan from LGF. Take a left turn, and you could be killed. Funny how often "tolerance" is a one-way street.
Praise for Moslem efforts to kill Dick Cheney via SC&A. It's a disease. If we killed everyone we disagreed with about something, we'd be alone on the planet.
Jim Miller has some fun Al Gore links. At this point, it is just getting too easy.
Your children are your responsibility. LaShawn. What a radical concept! I thought they were the village's problem.
RomneyCare not working out too well. Prof B.
Celebrities can fart but I can't. Celestial Junk. No, their farts are pure and beautiful.
One Baghdad family likes the surge. So do we. Too bad it's a few years too late, but who had the crystal ball?
The fingers of unrepentant Nazi-collaborator Soros (woops - is that a character assasination?) invading government. Pelosi hires his guy as her Counsel. Front Page. Watch out. These deep swimmers of the internationalist Left have their own agendas.
Seymour Hersh gives a hand job to Egypt, says Sandmonkey. Hersh has always been a knee-jerk America-hater. What's new?
Buy a lie. Alibi Network at Business Pundit
Gun ownership is not about hunting, nor is it mainly about self-defence or ordinary gun games. It's about war. Shape of Days. Quite right. Which is why it is critical - it's not about recreation.
What is The Tides Foundation, and what are they doing? Like so many foundations created by benevolently-minded successful capitalists, they have been hijacked by the radical Left.