Hornet problem? Blame Bush. In fact, blame American global warming for all the weather that happens until there is a Dem in the White House. If fact, blame him for anything. Why stick to weather? I have ants in the kitchen this year... Or, for example, Fitzgerald today.
Reconstruction teams in Iraq. Dem Project. Sounds like a big piece of the puzzle.
An enemy is not a friend. SC&A. Amazing that we are so far gone that this needs to be said.
Long overdue. Adding to blogroll - Good old Mr. Smash at Indepundit
Gore may get honorary doctorate in climatology. I say - why not a free real doctorate? After all, he discovered the Gore Effect.
Another multicultural death. It should be a daily feature.
Ghosts. This brief recollection of a Mom at YARGB is moving and disturbing.
Clown awards. He should make it a weekly feature.
Everybody needs their ideas challenged, but not by psychotic sociopaths. No Pasaran
CAIR update, at Powerline
There will always be an England: Hedgehog Rescue. How about a Culture Rescue?
Do women make an informed "choice"? Villainous says no. Your eggs do get old, ladies, and your bodies do not make fresh ones.
Did these idiots deserve rescue on my nickel? No, but the dog did. Lucianne. What would it cost to put up a sign saying "Climb mountain at your own risk", for the morons who think that Mt. Hood is a Disney Experience?