The double standard: black-on-white hate crime just doesn't fit "the narrative." Ace
The Mossad will just kill 'em. There's an excellent solution. Gateway. A few more, please.
The LA Times wants to teach his bloggers how to blog. Hello? Hewitt
Brit teacher fired for imagining that "most suicide bombers are Moslem." Everyone know the are mainly Mormons.
Multiculturalism: What if white folks said some of this? Blue Crab
Bill Roggio notes the regrouping of the Courts groups in Somalia
A reader is trying to save open space around the Bob Marshall Wilderness. Go for it, y'all. The battle never ends. Yes, we know that area rather well.
Royal Marines with balls. Winds of Change
Please do not feed the bums. In Orlando
French climate hypocrisy. What a joke. No Pasaran
John Edward's blogger needs to take her medication.
"Laughing all the way to the bank." Who coined that? Liberace. (h/t, Tangled Web)
Adding to the blogroll: Attack Machine, Don Surber
From VDH, as quoted by Dr. Sanity:
We are in a rare period in American political history, in which the battlefield alone will determine the next election, perhaps not seen since 1864. The economy, scandal, social issues, domestic spending, jobs, all these usual criteria and more pale in comparison to what happens in Iraq, where a few thousand brave American soldiers will determine our collective future.