Ethanol production damaging the Mexican tortilla business.
Iran in Iraq. It's not news, but watch us go after them...covertly, and at night.
Prelapsarian, innocent vs. naive, and pompous language. Shape of Days.
The BEEB bans LGF. Augean Stables.
Are Americans saving enough for retirement? Cowen
Liberals don't give a damn about human rights. Gay Patriot
Is freedom dying in Central Europe? Reason
Ruth Wisse in Opinion Journal. What happened to America, I wonder? A quote:
The year was 1917. At the beginning of the spring semester, the Harvard Crimson reported that 1,000 undergraduates were ready to enlist in the Reserve Officers' Training Program (ROTC), including students from the law school, from other graduate schools, and even members of the faculty. The recent crisis in international affairs had created a need for qualified military leaders, and the editorial hailed the school's vigorous response to it: "That Harvard is the first University to adopt an intensive system of training officers should not be a matter of pride, but rather a basis for the hope that other colleges will establish the same system, and that the foundations of a great citizen army will be laid among our young men."
Ninety years later, Harvard leads in the opposite direction.