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Thursday, January 2. 2025Thursday morning links - last links for a week or soI will be traveling Larger families good Bible Back in Texas Schools After Being Pulled for Sexual Content Paramount Series 'Landman' Surprises With Conservative Anti-Climate Agenda Message Greenfield: Cultural Magic Latest "Bird Flu" Psyop RFK Jr. Says Drug Addicts Need Tough Love. Is He Right? What’s causing this death of knowledge about what makes America American? The Democrats Embrace Tribalism How to Solve the Illegal Immigration Conundrum Five Propaganda Hoaxes That Blew Up In The Media’s Face In 2024 The 2024 Campaign Was an Embarrassment for Elite Media. Journalists increasingly see their job as protecting their preferred candidates, not asking tough questions. Jennifer Rubin is good for humor Biden Laughably Boasts About ‘Getting to Show Up for the American People’ Trump’s Top 10 Best Moves of 2024. Firefighters, Police Attacked In Diverse Areas Of Brussels During NYE Chaos Trackbacks
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Re: Bible Being Pulled for Sexual Content
I was in grad school in Near Eastern Studies, and most of our department was ancient near eastern history and philology, which covered biblical Hebrew and Ancient Israel. So, not exactly popular stuff among undergraduates. And scrounging for undergraduate students to enroll in courses in a department was essential for that department's funding. This was mostly done by coming up with "distributional requirements" that focused on a specific topic. Our nearest "competitor" in geekdom was the Classics Department. They had "Sport in the Ancient World," "Food in the Ancient World," and some other course. (Their definition of "ancient World" was Greece and Rome.) I suggested that we have a class, "Sex in the Bible." There is some pretty racy stuff in the Hebrew Bible. We could've filled a decent sized lecture hall with that class. (I also suggested "Beer in the Ancient Near East" since one of the oldest extent texts found is a Sumerian prayer that included a recipe for beer. And beer was important in Ancient Egypt. Plus, during the Babylonian Exile, beer became popular among Jews. I thought a class about beer would be popular among undergraduates, too.) RE: Labour Urged to Drop ‘Western-Centric’ Science in School Curriculum
Not surprising. The last thing the liberal leftists want are well-educated people who can see through their nonsense, question their goals intelligently, and prove the impossibility of their utopian schemes to impoverish everyone but themselves. "Landman" could be a good series (Billy Bob Thornton is always good) but, in my wife's and my opinion, the (ex)wife/daughter storyline, in particular, is over-the-top asinine and a real deterrent to watching more than a few episodes.
How quickly the reporting on the terrorist in NOLA became two points: He was an American born citizen and he was a army veteran. You could almost hear the anguish that they couldn't say he was white. What a perfect left wing trifecta if they could have said he was born here, a veteran and he was white. Dammit, two out of three. Oh well, keep harping on "he was born in America and he was an army veteran. Close enough to a white supremacist that you could leave that unsaid.
So his name is Shamsud-Din Bahar Jabbar! Why wouldn't that be more significant than "he was born in America and is an army veteran"??? I literally know hundreds of people born in America and who are army veterans and not a single Shamsud or Din or Bahar or Jabbar among them. Why isn't this really, really odd name the lead in the story? Was that his given name and he comes from a long line of Jabbar's? Was that a name he choose as a political statement which would tell us soooo much more than where he was born or if he served in the army?? But No! All we get from the fake news is he was an American citizen and, oh yeah did I mention enough times he is an army veteran??? Why it was just the other day Quibble-DickZ were quibble-dicking about cherry-picking.
'Rape Culture in India and Great Britain'
Again, anyone with brown skin will always get a free pass from the excuse that is Western media. I suspect that stunt will NOT show up when Kash becomes the new FBI director.
If I never hear another word from a goddamned Kennedy, again, life will have been better because of it.
RFK, Jr. is a model of depravity seldom affordable by ordinarily endowed cretins or vapid heathen. Damn their entire genome. RFK Jr. is "a model of depravity"? Would you care to back up that statement?
It seems to me that over the last few years, especially during the scamdemic, he has been one of the few voices of reason among our "elites." Always speaks logically and to the point, and seems to be incorruptable. What am I missing? It could hardly be clearer from the logic of your post that you don't view the world from a Christian perspective, but might you kindly explain the reasons for your wish to consign to damnation an entire bloodline of people?
All over the country they are reporting an unusual thick fog with a chemical smell and that it makes people sick. I'm sure it's nothing or perhaps it's global warming... Oh look! Jabba the Hut has committed an act of terrorism in New Orleans.
I have known for years now that our schools of journalism do not teach "objectivity" rather they teach a strategy known as "advocacy". This reporting the news in such a way that helps the community stay "calm". Today's Missoulian newspaper is a classic example of the most outrageous lie imaginable. Let me explain:
Here in the Northern Rockies we have always had snowpack on the highest elevations even in the middle of summer. It was clearly visible. In mid summer an average at those highest elevations may be about 6 feet. It fed our rivers and streams throughout the summer. Last summer (2024) due to climate warming we lost ALL of our snowpack by mid June. A typical winter would have me standing in snow up to about 2.5 FEET in the valley. Our kids would be wearing snow boots and snow wear to go trick or treating by the time Halloween came about. They would be wading in snow about 2feet deep. By mid January our high mountain snowpack would be well up to between 10 -14 feet. My memory may not have that perfectly, but I do remember the snow on the foothills beginning in September! Up until last week we had NO SNOW. A big storm came in from the Pacific and left a good amount on the pass between Montana and Idaho. East of that pass we did not get snow until the past few days. But, we did finally get some snow. Because we who live here understand how critical the snowpack is we are constantly watching it. The concern over the absence of snow began to become a loud conversation that was getting louder. BUT NOW we got some snow and the local left wing newspaper reports that we are at 90% of normal!! That horrific piece of misinformation is supposed to make us all feel better about the snow pack! We won't be worrying so much don't you know. Two years in a row with no snowpack by June means everyone is in trouble--not just the ranchers and farmers, but rather the fish in the rivers and all those folks living way down stream in Las Vegas, Arizona, So. California. etc. I checked with two ski resports to try to get a more accurae sense of their most current posting on conditions there. As you can guess the owners of ski resorts are held to a pretty accurate reporting of conditions. Below is a report from the Lookout pass. 2 ft of base and less than 4 ft at the summit! https://skilookout.com/snow-report The report from Whitefish Ski Resort is very interesting--read carefully between the lines and look out at the collection of snow on top of poles and roofs. The Whitefish Ski Resort and read their report shows that their base at 4500' (aprox)elevation is at 5 1/2 feet. May I remind you that this is what it should be in mid November! https://skiwhitefish.com/snowreport/ Read carefully and see how that report wiggles around. Happy New Year--Pray for Snow because at the rate at which we are going it will be a very very dry summer! **Do you remember that last year we had that mysterious "weather balloon from China" hanging directly over our area of the rockies before moving on? Back in the 1950's we had family friends who were engineers at Lockheed Corporation. They use to talk about the possibility that the "Russians could mess with our weather". It seemed impossible then, but now of course we can manipulate some rainfall and i believe that they do that in Arizona over the croplands--could be wrong about that! Pray for snow--our snow! Bear with me -- this is related to what you wrote:
SEVERAL years ago -- more than 13 years ago -- I read a paper published by a tree-hugging outdoor enthusiast group. It was about a change in recommendations that the army Corps of engineers along with the Bureau of Reclamation and some other federal group on releasing water from dams. Essentially, reservoirs were never to be more half full, and at half full, water should be released. This changed the whole notion of SAVING water when there was a lot, so that when it was dry, the reservoirs had enough. This is one of the MAIN reasons that Lake Mead (and other reservoirs int he west) got so low recently-ish. Unfortunately, I didn't save the paper. And since the general narrative that was favored by the lame stream media is THE SKY IS FALLING! CLIMATE CHANGE! EEK! WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! the only articles that came up during the drought were all about CLIMATE CHANGE and the WORST DROUGHT EVER were all I could find. I tried to find that paper I had read. The paper made a lot of sense, and explained what I saw on my then frequent visits to a specific Western State prior to the WORST DROUGHT EVER -- the reservoirs were ever only half full. The snowpack had been good over the winter, and it was late enough that the runoff and snow melt should've done a better job of filling up the reservoir. But it wasn't -- it was half empty. And it was only ever going to be half full, thanks to the federal alphabet soup. (I think the recommendations were a response to the Oroville Dam issue. After all, if you don't fill up a reservoir, you reduce the chance of dam failure.) faculty wife, are you in Missoula? If so, I'm wondering if your memory about your kids wading through two feet of snow to go trick-or-treating is as accurate as you think. According to several sources (https://www.currentresults.com/Weather/Montana/Places/missoula-snowfall-totals-snow-accumulation-averages.php and https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/missoula/most-yearly-snow being two), the average number of days in October with 10 inches or more of snow on the ground is approximately 0.1. Over 30 years, 1991 to 2020, the average number of days it snowed in October was 0.8, with an average snowfall of 0.9 inches. The most snow ever to fall in October was in 1914, when 15 inches fell. November through March is when snow is expected to fall in any amount. Literally no snow is expected in October.
As to the rest of your post, some winters are very snowy, others, not so much. 2016 had 42.2 inches (49th most since records started in 1893), while the very next year had 65.5 (10th most). I don't mean to be picking on you, I just think we should be accurate when discussing such topics. Dear RJP:
Please forgive the typos. That should have read they would be wading through snow about 2ft by mid January. I had to cut/paste several times. My apologies. It is very important to get this information absolutely correct! Don't worry about "picking on me" I love having the true facts! My most recent picture of a large snowfall in the valley which as you know is vastly different than the snow pack in the mountains, is a picture of me from January 2011, I am standing outside with last night's snow that DH had just shovelled from our double wide driveway. It is piled up to about 4FT and I am still standing on snow, there is a deep crust on top of the asphalt. Please feel free to search for any more reliable information you can find regarding our snow pack. I first arrived in this area in 1982 and I know for certain that we had snow on the valley floor the second week of September! Don't know when "global warming" is supposed to have started. Thanks for taking my comments in the spirit in which they were given. But this is an interesting example of how our memory works. If you go here: https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/missoula/year-1982#september, you’ll see see that Missoula got exactly zero snow in all of September 1982. I have no doubt you lived through and remember that snow, but it just couldn’t be in September 1982, at least not in Missoula. 🙂
My father worked on drilling rigs for most of my childhood, and after watching the first two episodes of “Landman”, I’d love to see the rest of the series, but they moved it to their streaming service which means another fee. No thanks.
The rumor is that for some reason the NOLA police did not install the regular barriers to prevent cars from getting into the closed street celebration.
In England they have to install barriers in an gathering by traditional English citizens or any religious celebration. The Muslim migrants can protest or even riot but they don't need any barriers because the English people are no threat! It is only the Muslim community that is a threat. The locals have begun calling the barriers "diversity barriers" because it is only the immigrants that must be prevented from causing mass murder. Ahh! The joys of diversity! A very powerful explosion in Syria. Possibly a tactical nuke. Is that even possible? But who? I don't think it was Russia because it was near their base in Syria.
Bird flu: Anyone who uses the word vaccines in quotes should be ignored. Lots of people with credentials are just plain wrong because they like their theories better than data. Vaccines, including the mRNA vaccines have worked spectacularly well and reducing symptoms and death. If you think they weren't tested adequately at first, fine. They've been tried on millions since, which is far better than any test. There are always side effects, but the profile is low for these.
The government and many willing shills did cover up the origin. Very close to one of the few labs that works on gain-of-function? My, my what a coincidence...but it must be bat soup instead. The specific thing the government sold the worst was overpromising that if we got vaccinated quickly enough we would quickly outrun the virus's chance of mutating over and over. That was a manipulation to get more people to vaccinate, but it blew up in their faces when the virus did mutate into varieties that were either more deadly or more contagious. Plenty to fault the government about here. Not so much to fault the vaccines about. You are wrong. Let's make this simple: The covid vaccine did not prevent you from getting covid. It did not prevent anyonne who had been vaccinated from giving covid to others. It was NOT a vaccine it was an MNRA cocktail that we (the scientists and doctors) still do not understand. It killed millions. Let me restate that unequivocally; the vaccine itself directly killed and maimed millions. As for side effects it over time, months to years, killed millions more. This isn't a conspiracy theory it is fact. In 2022 alone more athletes in their 20's and 30's died suddenly than in the entire 30 years before and all of them were double vaccinated and boosted. Most of the covid deaths in the U.S. were vaccinated. The scientists and doctors know these stats and are either too afraid to speak up or are part of the coverup.
All of our government health departments knowingly and with malice covered up the facts. They continue to cover up the facts because the facts could put many people in jail. As a side note those patients who weren't killed by the vaccine were killed by Remdisivir and the health care industry knew this too BUT they were getting paid to use it AND they were getting paid for every patient who died in the hospital from covid. This collusion between the government and the pharmaceutical industry was the worst criminal mass murder by a Western government in history. If the absolute truth were known there would be mass hangings in the streets. The government and all the health agencies have destroyed public faith in them. They did this "originally" to cover up a stolen election. But it became it's own self-fulfilling out of control monster over time. Also, yes it was a lab leak and it was covered up. But the rest of the story is that the lab was intentionally trying to create a disease that would be used to cause a massive world plague that could be used by China to take over the world. The intent was to create the plague and a vaccine for it so that they could protect the leaders and the army. There is ZERO doubt that was the intent. And Fauci was in on it. Do not trust the CDC, FDA, WHO and the Democrats. The Republicans are stupid, the Democrats are evil. Thank you for illustrating so clearly how a lot of the anti-vax contingent handles data and reasons. If I had made it an accusation, people would have said I was exaggerating.
Ahhh! But I am not anti-vaxx. I have had every vaccination you can think of thanks to 20 years in the service and numerous overseas assignments. I was 12 YO when Dr. Salk's incredible breakthrough gave us the polio vaccine. I was 110% a believer in vaccinations and still am for the traditional more accepted vaccines. But the mRNA is NOT a vaccine. What is it? It is an experimental drug that was thought to have great promise but has turned out to have disastrous side effects. So why wouldn't they pull it off the market and work on it until it was safe? And THAT is where the devil meets the details. It is incredibly easy and cheap to make and has already made the pharmaceutical industry over a trillion dollars and promises to make many more trillions at no risk to them. So who cares if millions die from it and an entire generation has it's DNA irreparably damaged?
There have been numerous studies, even some performed by our own government agencies about the harm the covid vaccine causes. I would suggest that you go read one... but you can't because they were 100% redacted!! Nothing says "safe and effective" medicine like a complete redaction of studies of death and injuries from it. So please in your wisdom help us all understand why these studies MUST be redacted. What are they hiding from us and why? Lets have complete transparency and prove those conspiracy theories wrong. Anon: It killed millions. Let me restate that unequivocally; the vaccine itself directly killed and maimed millions.
On what evidence do you base this claim? “At best, Dr Fauci is guilty of 25 million counts of negligent criminal homicide."
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/01/04/exclusive-dr-andrew-huff-coronavirus-timeline-giant-scandal-to-subvert-trump/ As Biden struggles to tarnish the Presidential Medal of Freedom in a toddler tantrum against Trump, I have a suggestion for the most offensive recipient that may finish the destruction of the worth of the medal. Lt. Michael Byrd. Please Mr. Biden, give us the Byrd!!