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Monday, July 15. 2024Monday morning links
No, your parents are probably not to blame for all your problems Well, your genes do matter Ageing and fertility rates Pamela Paul on Transmania Meta reinstates Trump on Facebook and Instagram for political expression Behind the Curtain: The boys vs. girls election VDH: Assassination Porn and the Sickness on the Left Maybe, but looking for larger meaning in one idiot's actions is foolish. Yes, everybody knew it was possible. TDS exists. Biden insists ‘we are not enemies’ as he addresses nation in brief Oval Office speech after Trump assassination attempt How the Trump Assassination Attempt Changes the Presidential Campaign A Message From Former First Lady Melania Trump Trackbacks
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Biden insists ‘we are not enemies’ as he addresses nation in brief Oval Office speech after Trump assassination attempt
Biden once said to a black audience that Republicans want to put you back in chains. Biden also said that Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to Democracy. Sounds like enemies to me. Democrats' call for political violence If Biden is sincere on his statement that "we are not enemies," he and the Democrats have a lot of apologizing to do. An awful lot of apologizing. Don't hold your breath. The major networks immediately began blaming Trump for his own shooting.
Have you seen the June cover of New Republic magazine? When Hitler is about to take office, become "a dictator on day one" (Joe Biden, July 12, 2024), establish Fascism, build detention camps, etc., you kill him, right? This shooting was entirely predictable--many of us have been doing it for months. Point taken. Similarly, while I call for an apology from Biden and the Democrats, to indicate that "we are not enemies" is sincere, I doubt any apology will be forthcoming.
I didn't mean to seem critical of you. I'm just frustrated at the state of things right now, and the constant justification of the left of the use of violence and division.
Interesting though--note the lack of riots, looting, arson, attacks from the right of the shooting of their candidate. Can you imagine the reaction if the parties had been reversed? Gringo: Democrats have a lot of apologizing to do. An awful lot of apologizing.
Sure. However,
Trump: I don't know if you call them people. In some cases, they're not people, in my opinion. Trump: Because our country is being poisoned. Trump: Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that's going to be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. Trump: Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type! Trump: when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Trump: compares political opponents to 'vermin' who he will 'root out'. Washington Post: ‘Bloodbath’ aside, Trump’s violent rhetoric is unambiguous: Trump has already warned of “riots,” “violence in the streets” and “death & destruction” if he’s wronged. All of that context is vital. You really, really need to sit this one out, you rancid piece of trash, you guard on the train car, you slam-shutter of the gas chamber door. People of your ilk caused this as surely as the sun came up this morning, you vile, flippant little child. And the really sick part is that you damned well know it. Shame on you.
RIP, Corey Comperatore, and condolences to the wife and child he died protecting from the violence people like you helped to foment. Robert Kagan, husband of Victoria Numan, Nov. 30, 2023: “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending. With each passing day, it will become harder & more dangerous to stop it by any means, legal or illegal." The Quibble-DickZ like the rest of the Biden supporters are upset that Trump turned his head at just the wrong time. Had the assassination been successful they would have no problem taking away the firearms of patriots and Biden would be serving a second term.
What they didn't account for was divine intervention. SK: you rancid piece of trash . . .
Another powerful illustration of vitriol. But avoids the points raised. (See comment about point 1 below.) SK: Robert Kagan, husband of Victoria Numan, Nov. 30, 2023: “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending. With each passing day, it will become harder & more dangerous to stop it by any means, legal or illegal." Somebody said something bad. Note your own comment here. Is it justified to kill the "guard on the train car" or the "slam-shutter of the gas chamber door"? Is that your point? (See comment about point 2 below.) The tactic of the Left has always been murder. You just can't change.
DeGaulle: The tactic of the Left has always been murder. You just can't change.
alt-DeG: The tactic of the Right has always been murder. You just can't change. Kagan and Nuland... surely you jest! Nothing like a neocon couple to turn Ukraine into a killing field and then walk away after they have totally screwed up the country and managed to keep running the deficit up to the benefit of the warmonger clan while thinning out the Ukraine population to benefit WEF population goals. And you say, "somebody said something bad".
LW political violence is persistent, widespread, organized, and strategic. Think black block, antifa, BLM, the anti-Semitic/pro terrorist riots and vandalism of recent vintage. I'll add that the anti-Semitic and anti-Asian violence by blacks in NYC and other cities is also political in part, as is the massive retail theft tolerated/encouraged in many cities.
RW political violence is spontaneous, sporadic, rare. and impulsive. But other than that, they're almost identical. I'll add that in terms of dehumanizing rhetoric, the disparity in the practice still exists but is not as pronounced as the disparity in violence. But the left is much more likely to target specific individuals or small groups of individuals. And the left is much more likely to initiate and escalate rather than retaliate. But, again, other than that, almost identical. Just give me a link to five comments where you've condemned LW rhetorical excesses. What exact exactly is your purpose with the fatuous, dishonest comments you make like the one I'm responding to? James4HJ: RW political violence is spontaneous, sporadic, rare. and impulsive.
Ignoring J6, of course. So deliberately organized and premeditated that nobody even thought to bring a gun for the 'insurrection'...IN THE UNITED STATES! lol
Lord Heathen
2024-07-16 11:50
Lord Heathen: So deliberately organized and premeditated that nobody even thought to bring a gun for the 'insurrection'...IN THE UNITED STATES!
2024-07-16 12:09
The significance of your "point" is what? How many firearms among the thousands of protestors? Were any that were there brandished? In what way is your point relevant to Lord Heathen's underlying point? Which was a reasonable and relevant point.
2024-07-16 17:40
James4HJ: The significance of your "point" is what?
The claim was false, which should require no further justification. James4HJ: How many firearms among the thousands of protestors? No one knows, as most of the rioters were not detained due to the chaos, the police being overwhelmed. However, many other types of weapons were found. James4HJ: Were any that were there brandished? Yes.
2024-07-16 19:06
There was far more political violence in DC on Jan 20, 2017 than there was on Jan. 6, 2021. Jan 6, 2021 was not an insurrection. It was, unironically, a mostly peaceful protest with a small amount of violence and vandalism. Some of that violence may have been perpetrated by LW infiltrators or encouraged by government agents. The LEOs at the capitol handled the situation poorly and were understaffed mostly because of the action of the democrat Speaker of the House and the democrat Mayor of DC. The contrast in how the perpetrators of the two events were treated by prosecutors is clear evidence the left uses violence as a political tool.
Your statements are lies. You resort to lies because the only considerations you have in choosing your words is what helps or minimizes harm to the left and what harms or minimizes benefit to the right. FTR, It isn't me, it's you. It isn't us, it's ya'll
2024-07-16 17:35
James4HJ: Jan 6, 2021 was not an insurrection.
And yet, people were convicted by jury of seditious conspiracy.
2024-07-17 08:31
SK: become "a dictator on day one" (Joe Biden, July 12, 2024), establish Fascism, build detention camps, etc., you kill him, right?
Trump isn't Hitler. Hitler is Hitler. Even Hitler wasn't Hitler until the voters and the political system granted him power (a third agreeing with his extreme rhetoric, a third claiming it was just hyperbole but he would fix Germany, and the powerful right-wing interests who believed they could control him). There are still ample avenues for peaceful political means to reject authoritarianism in the United States. There are strong institutions and multiple centers of power. The people can still exert influence through the vote. However, Trump does represent a threat to the constitutional order in that he has explicitly stated he would act in an authoritarian manner. The Supreme Court has provided Trump and his allies a roadmap to consolidating executive power far beyond what the Founders intended. If there is any truism about the Founders, they did not believe in absolute immunity for presidents, rejecting outright a sovereign who was "sacred and inviolable". Regardless, as history has shown, overthrowing governments can often go awry. Brutus is not remembered for saving the Republic, but for plunging the final, fatal dagger into it. QUOTE: Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. My god, a man is killed, his brains blown out after he threw himself on his wife and child to protect them, and a former president is shot in the head, and you're still at it.
Trump is zero threat to the Constitutional order. The threat comes from the Biden administration. Biden has no authority to forgive student loans, no authority to fly illegals into the country, no authority to install Smith to create lawfare war on Trump and he had no authority to mandate Covid Vaxx.
SK: My god, a man is killed, his brains blown out after he threw himself on his wife and child to protect them, and a former president is shot in the head . . .
True, and you provide a powerful illustration of vitriol. None of that addresses the two points, of course. 1: That Trump (and other Republicans) have also engaged in violent rhetoric. 2: That violence is almost always the wrong course of action for political problems; but Prudence, indeed, counsels restraint. SK, to be clear, you said that some people believe that violence is justified to prevent tyranny. We noted that violent rhetoric is common on both the left and the right, providing evidence that such rhetoric on the right also leads to violence (e.g. J6); and that political violence is most often self-defeating at preventing authoritarianism. Do you disagree with either point?
And yet you can't help but continue to drive the narrative that's causing the violence, even within hours of a man's brains being splattered on his wife and child within feet of a candidate for US president. Notable that you have to reach to Chile for an example other than a 3 hour riot. Your Trump quotes are weak even for you--can't find anything any better? Too bad you couldn't catch Morning Joe today.
Shouldn't you be somewhere admiring the stars in your firmament, Oswald, Sirhan, Bremer, Fromme, Moore, Hodgkinson, Roske, Crooks? Is Floyd Corkins more your speed? I'll be clear--this isn't a debate; I'm calling you out as part of the problem. You should stop for your own sake. It doesn't matter to me--it helps to expose who you are. SK: Notable that you have to reach to Chile for an example other than a 3 hour riot.
The "3 hour riot" was an attack on the very citadel of the American republic. DeGaulle's claim about the Left was not qualified to the American Left, but roped in the Left generally. A lot of Americans may not be aware, but most people are not actually, in fact, Americans.
...the very citadel of the American republic." Sometimes one's language just reveals the truth no matter how much they lie. Neither the capitol nor any other government building is the citadel of the republic. The country, the homes and businesses of the citizens are the citadel of the republic.
The politicians and the government institutions should be servants of the citizens, not their rulers. IOW, exactly the opposite of your view of what you want the government to be. It isn't us, it's ya'll.
2024-07-16 18:00
James4HJ: Neither the capitol nor any other government building is the citadel of the republic.
Huh? Citadel in this context means a stronghold or bulwark.
2024-07-17 08:25
The only deaths on Jan 6 were protestors. The antifa and blm riots did get people killed. And the assassin did kill someone. The illegals are killing people.
Mark Steyn has several excellent recent columns at his website about the Trump assassination attempt.
QUOTE: Climate predictions have all been wrong . . . Major volcanic eruptions "typically cool Earth's surface by ejecting gases, dust and ash that reflect sunlight back into space," NASA wrote. In contrast, "water vapor traps heat." Heh. 'Climate skeptics' are funny that way. They grant the effect of greenhouse gases when it supports their pre-held position, but reject it when it doesn't. The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai (HT) submarine eruption is unprecedented in modern times in terms of its emission of water vapor into the upper atmosphere. The estimated impact has had negligible impact on global mean temperatures (0.015°C), with most of the effect being a slight cooling in the Southern Hemisphere. However, it will have significant regional effects; wet summers in Australia, warmer winters in North America, cooler winters in Scandinavia, and an enhancement of the Antarctic ozone hole. See Jucker, Lucas & Dutta, Long-term climate impacts of large stratospheric water vapor perturbations, Journal of Climate 2024. Climate predictions... Hunga Tonga provided the @1 greenhouse gas that is poorly reflected in models. Like cloud cover, the models are poorly constructed and never right. Water vapor and cloud cover vary tremendously and they have no model that reflects this.
Transmania... money, money, money, money. Covid... money, money, money, money. And at the center... Pharma and doctors. Political contributions grease the spending. Trump assassination attempt... everyone overlooks the corrupted admin state that creates chaos, riot, and killing. If prospective politicians don't display the proper kowtowing to the permanent bureaucracy, they find it advantageous to drive them out. They are very effective here and abroad. Drive the admin state out. Boys vs girls.
I would characterize it more like middle class vs freeloaders. Or maybe working class vs welfare grifters. We are watching the demise of a once great country. It was an intentional sabotage by various special interest groups here in the U.S. and abroad. The Democrats and all those riding the "free stuff" bandwagon want to loot the working class and have absolute power and control. Foreign nations and foreign activists want to weaken the U.S. and bring it down a notch or two. Kind of a payback for us being so successful and making them look bad. At some level that is what unites the conservatives, they want to save the country and fend off the leftists communists. Literally every American, conservative or liberal, can identify with that expression "I want the country I grew up in back". Not everyone is willing to work for it the temptation to exchange their vote for free stuff is too great. And that will drive our fate. This election may be the last real opportunity to turn it around. If more honest working class people vote their beliefs Trump will win and America will win. If on the other hand more freeloaders and grifters vote their agenda then the Democrats and their puppet president will win and America will lose. This election is the most important thing to happen to the U.S. since the civil war or the war of independence. Bigger than Pearl Harbor, bigger than 9/11. If the forces of evil win in November the U.S. loses and I don't think it can be turned around. One idiots action? Only one? I guess words have no consequences, for the left they don’t. Senators can speak on the floor of the Senate and outright lie about a candidate, saying he didn’t pay his taxes. A Senator can stand on the Supreme Court steps and threaten the lives of Supreme Court judges. A president can tell his supporters that if they bring a knife, we bring a gun. A president can give a speech boldly describing his political rivals as, “extremists that threaten the very foundations of our republic.” Hilary Clinton calls her political rivals irredeemable. Since the Bill Clinton administration, those that cite the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence, according to the DOJ, should be eyed as potential domestic terrorists. Countless television hosts say far worse things. Since the days of FDR, every republican candidate is literally Hitler. The summer of “mostly peaceful protests” all happened in democrat run cities. Billions of dollars in private property damage. Lives destroyed. Entire city blocks taken over. Police stations taken over. Federal buildings torched nightly. I think we are talking about more than one idiot. I’m seeing a pattern.
The perspective of this Irishman on the other side of the Atlantic is that this assassin (he did assassinate one man) was no random 'idiot'. He, bar a miraculous last fraction-of-a-second movement by Trump of his head, was right on target from a distance of at least 100 metres-CNN say that the gunman was 120-150m away. That's skilled shooting, particularly from someone who had very little time to settle himself.
"Words are Violence" when spoken by an R, but aren't anything at all when spoken by a D. D's can lie, but even the truth is malleable when spoken by an R - because the Ds and the media are on the side of the angels, while the Rs... well, you know what side they're on.
I’ll let Rep. Steven Woodrow, who represents Colorado's State House District 2, tell you which side he thinks he’s on:
QUOTE: The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil but here we are. He was so proud of that statement that he deleted his X.com account. Even MSNBC had the forethought to not let Morning Joe on the air this morning. Melania’s message was the classiest thing I’ve probably ever read given it is in response to an attempt on her husband’s life.
It also reads as if it was written by someone for whom english is a second language.
I don't say that to criticize, merely to say that I think that she instead of a team of assistants actually wrote it . |