Press lies about war, 1964. Neoneo. Yes, the press sure wanted to lose that one, too. Why?
Wealthy countries have more trees, and thus remove more evil evil CO2/ Worstall. Well, fine, but we don't accept that evil CO2 premise, not yet.
Payback to the unions. Good bye, Free Trade. Hello, higher prices. Samiz.
Bush immigration notions drove independents to Dems. Not rational, but just watch the border open up now. Ace. Heck, we all know it's about pandering to the Hispanic voters.
Give Mitt Romney a good look: Am Thinker
Good point, from Blue Crab:
Take a subject you are a genuine expert on and then read a newspaper report on the subject. All too often, you'll find that the paper has some, often many, things quite wrong. The human tendency is to shake your head, then go right back to reading the paper and believing their stories on other subjects.
Just asking: How does a young politican afford a $1.6 million house, and what's the deal with this Rezko guy? ESR
Still waiting for the withering away of the state? Stumbling. Funny how often we forget that Lenin was a closet Libertarian. Modern liberal statists are worse: they just want state power to grow forever.
The two kinds of killing. I never understood this either. Tangled
LaShawn is fed up. A quote:
It’s disheartening to know that yet another generation of blacks is growing up with persecution complexes and prove-you’re-not-a-racist-by-giving-me-perks attitudes. For at least 25 years, lowered standards and expectations for blacks have been the status quo in public institutions. Whether blacks are attending schools they’re not qualified to attend because of race preferences and would fare better at schools better suited to their abilities (high on my list of possible explanations) or whether the collapse of the black family and a general apathy to education relegates black kids to the academic basement, I don’t know and I honestly don’t care. People make their own choices in this free country, and if parents don’t care about their own offspring, why am I worrying about them?
A black liberal once asked me how I could be so adamant in my views, how I could be sure that I’d always think conservatively. He was upset that I was publicly displaying conservative views and believed that one day, I’d change the way I saw the world. (The implication was that I’d return to liberalism.)
Wherever you are, “concerned” black liberal, you were right. My view of the world is slowly changing, but not the way you’d hoped. I am convinced that some blacks are afraid to be treated equally because they know they’ll never be academically competitive with whites. I am convinced that deep down, some blacks would rather accept lowered standards than face the embarrassment of a truly level playing field. They will use any means necessary – political, legal, psychological – to make sure the color of their skin always remains front and center, and at the same time, castigate people who can’t see past it.
The country has moved far beyond discrimination. In fact, people don't even make much of skin color, ethnicity, or religion any more (except for colleges, who keep down their Asian numbers, and try to raise their black numbers - they seem to think color is important for some reason, sort of like kids counting their Crayolas.)