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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, February 5. 2024Monday morning links Canada halts controversial assisted suicide program for mentally ill due to lack of doctors willing to participate American’s Mental Health Crisis Is So Bad That Millions Of People Are Venting To Elmo’s Twitter Account New Hampshire Town Alarmed Due to the Opening of a New “Diaper Spa” Where Adults Wear Diapers and Pretend to be Babies Students at California school struggling after $250K in federal funds spent on ‘Woke Kindergarten’ program From easier math classes in high school to the elimination of standardized tests to extreme grade-inflation to DEI tropes that elevate lived experiences and ways of knowing over facts and data, the trend represents a pressing problem for science professors working to protect STEM and preserve its standards and meritocracy. Gay teens who couldn't come to terms with their sexuality share how they removed their breasts and genitals in false hope that becoming transgender would 'cure' them, as concerns mount that 'gender-affirming care' for children is homophobic I Was Told to Approve All Teen Gender Transitions. I Refused. For six years I worked at a hospital that said all teenagers with gender dysphoria must be affirmed. I quit my job to blow the whistle. The Case Against Content Moderation - Aggressive content moderation is presented as a necessary response to hate speech and misinformation—but it's more like a moral panic. Trump predicted disaster of sanctuary cities in 2019 Trump as the Antichrist Israeli special forces operating in Gaza. Wait for it One final rule of the playground that foreign policy elites frequently fail to heed is that wishing does not make it so. Trackbacks
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The university engineering department I worked in for 35 years now has engineering faculty doing what amounts to DEI-related sociology.
And it is bad, ideologically driven sociology. Bob! We need to talk! Didn't you know that 2+2 could in fact equal 5. Math is a construct of the white patriarchal society. The answer to these silly math and physics questions can be whatever we want them to be. It's not as though human lives depend on science being accurate. Duh! Relax, sit down in your seat as I prepare to take off in the Boeing 77-something as soon as I can figure out what all these dials and knobs mean. Oh1 And don't go near those damned emergency exits...
In my opinion everyone who facilitates the cutting off of breasts or genitals or prescribes puberty blockers of anyone under 18 should go to jail for child abuse. I would also hope that trial lawyers would take these cases on and sue them into bankruptcy.
From the article "the case against moderation" is the quote “Substack Has A Nazi Problem.” The reference was to a dozen or so postings that included the Nazi symbol. Alright we can all agree that the Nazis were bad and shouldn't be celebrated. But the hysteria associated with the Nazi symbol is exactly why some people show the Nazi symbol. A lot of people do things to get attention or out of anger/hate. The purple/green/blue hair is another example of this. The Lesbian with purple hair isn't making a fashion statement as much as she is trying to be objectionable and in your face. What's the difference between that and flipping the bird or displaying a Nazi symbol or BLM sign or any of those hateful things people do because they are mentally ill? Kind of like those rainbow flags that say hate has no home here but what they mean is only if you aren't white, male, Christian or straight. They do in fact hate those groups. It seems hate is OK as long as you hate the right people.
Unexplained fires continue to destroy food processing centers and other companies associated with the growing, processing and distribution of food. The crazy right wing conspiracy theory for a few years now is that this is terrorism by infiltrators/illegal aliens who came to this country to destroy it. This did seem a little far fetched as the first of hundreds and hundreds of these select fires occurred. But over time as these fires and destruction of Americas food supply continues the "crazy conspiracy theory" seems to make sense. Do a little research, the odds of this many destructive fires on a single industry are astronomical and yet they continue. Meanwhile in unrelated news the FBI goes after parents for speaking at school board meetings and Christians for praying and singing hymns.
"the odds of this many destructive fires on a single industry are astronomical '
OK, I'll ask: What are the odds that you are using? How astronomical are they, when compared to the actual frequency of 'destructive fires' in these plants? What I notice about all of these 'hair on fire' stories is that one element is conspicuously missing from every single one of them: Historical trending. Show me the past 20 years or so, and then, let's talk. Or: Show me an analysis of how many destructive fires occur, how many plants exist, what the cause of the fires is determined to be, what the dollar damages are, and how long the plants are out of commission - over time. I notice none of that is included in this type of reporting, even though it would instantly give a solid grounding and sense of how big the problem actually is. I don't think the odds are so staggering that fires and accidents might happen in industrial settings where the products are flammable. You know what else is missing from all these stories? Followup on the investigations. From a debate point of view your are absolutely right. That is if your goal is to make points in a debate or shut down the discussion nothing works better than to demand reams of documentation and absolute proof. You got me! I don't even know for sure that some 750 food processing, production and related facilities have burned in America in the last two years. I could sequester myself for a month or so and track down every report and maybe give you an answer that I have total confidence in. I'm not going to do that and you knew that when you responded.
I read a book about Joesph Kennedy some years ago and I remember one story from that book. He went down to Wall Street in early 1929 to look for himself at the crazy stock market. After talking to a number of people and following some leads he decided that it was all a huge bubble and he took his investments out or at least made them more liquid. In the story he goes on to say that this allowed him to invest/buy during the following 12 years and become a multi-millionaire. Yes he did some investigating but mostly he took some advance knowledge that couldn't be proved or disproved and then took action based on that. Now I know that Joesph Kennedy was actually a crook who made most of his money smuggling in Irish whiskey and forcing bars and restaurants to buy from him so I don't really know if his little story is true or a fiction designed to explain his wealth. But the gist of what he described is good to understand. He paid attention to what was going on around him and acted on it before it was 100% common knowledge (say October 30th 1929) and used it to improve his situation. That's all anyone can do. You can get bogged down in research and self-doubt and analyze it to death or you can go with what you know and take some reasonable and minimal steps to respond to the situation. Now I understand that doing that won't make it look like you won the debate. I get that. I'm not debating! Take it or leave it. I feel about that as I do about the car with the young fast driver who cuts me off to get to the stop light before me. Yeah you won and when the light turns green you take off again to the next red light and all the time you are feeling good about being in front or in this case winning a debate. I am paranoid. I have always been paranoid. I don't consider that a fault but rather a feature and 80 years of life has proven that to me. I could make a list of the serious problems I see facing our country that are self inflicted OR made worse because we chose to ignore it. I don't feel at all uncomfortable about raising awareness of issues I see even knowing that some may be inaccurate or incorrect. That's OK, I'll watch and learn and adjust my plan as I learn more. If it turns out that 750 fires in food processing plants is normal and nothing criminal or terroristic is behind it than no harm no foul. But for now it is one more thing to watch closely and not a debate to win or lose on the internet. Time will tell. Not trying to win a debate, OneGuy. I was just trying to point out that these kinds of stories have certain features that don't contribute to resolving questions. What is the point of the story? To explore a potential problem, or cause a panic? I just refuse to get pulled around by (what I think are) phony or biased news stories that seem to be crafted carefully to shape thinking into rather unproductive culdesacs.
There was a big fire at a Texas chicken plant last week. I drive right by that chicken plant from time to time, it's out in the middle of nowhere. Fire's out now. They know how it got started and why. It wasn't Russians, illegal aliens, or Klaus Schwab. But I didn't see any national news stories following it up, and that's my point! Panic sells ads and pulls clicks. All these 'food plant fire' stories and yet: I haven't noticed any food shortages over the past couple of years, now that the COVID-related supply line problems are being resolved. For a while there would be empty shelves on certain items in certain stores from time to time, which was an uncomfortable feeling, but not a widespread occurrence, and certainly no crisis. There has never been a case in the past 3 years where food couldn't be had, where electricity blacked out for extended periods, where there was no fuel. Not locally in my direct experience anyway, and not in the news, which admittedly I don't fully trust. " I just refuse to get pulled around by (what I think are) phony or biased news stories"
I absolutely agree with you on that. I have a natural mistrust of anything I read or hear in the news. But at the same time I have a mistrust of the good news and lack of news. I don't (still don't) think flight 800 shot itself down. I don't think Tim Mcveigh acted alone. I don't believe Oswald killed JFK. And I don't think all those Chinese and Muslim illegals coming across our border love America. I think we are in deep shit and that the media and our government actively conspires and hides this from us. Early on in the Covid pandemic the Chinese were making a lot of strange trips to Italy and New York. At some point this was revealed and documented and then quietly deep sixed. Did China intentionally spread Covid by having some of their people travel to Europe, Canada and the U.S.? We will never know because the MSM and our government is hiding the data. I believe that tens of thousands of enemies of our country have come across our Southern border and through our airports and are here to sabotage our country. Our infrastructure is at risk. Our electrical grid, water supplies, petroleum refineries, natural resources, military installations, everything is a target. Waiting for irrefutable evidence is a fatal mistake.
2024-02-06 10:07
"Three Explosions Rock Stockholm in Four Days"
Those crazy Swedes, huh! Don't jump to conclusions that this is the result of immigration from Muslim countries. What was the "frequency" of bombings before the Muslim invasion. It's fine! I'm sure the religion of peace isn't responsible for these bombings. Just those crazy Swedes. "One final rule of the playground that foreign policy elites frequently fail to heed is that wishing does not make it so."
And all policy wonks sooner or later encounter the one law in the great tide of human affairs that remains forever fixed and inviolable: the Law of Unintended Consequences. Israeli special forces operating in Gaza. Wait for it.
OK, but check out these IDF girls. Definitely not just for show. "Canada halts controversial assisted suicide program for mentally ill due to lack of doctors willing to participate"
I have often thought that the doctors were the weakest link in this perverse and thinly disguised exercise in euthanasia. Get enough people taking them to court and creating awkward publicity ("He killed our grannie!") and doctors will soon start to get gun-shy, forcing provincial governments to appoint teams of official executioners - perhaps they could be called kevorkians? Tongue fixed firmly in my cheek, I sometimes tell people that we might just as well amalgamate all Canadian medical and veterinary doctors into one profession, now that your sick grandmother and her ailing dog can both be bumped off for their own good. Think of the economies that a single system could achieve! Full disclosure: I'm Canadian and absolutely appalled by my country's dabbling in this gruesome programme. Regarding the political euphemism assisted suicide, I should have added that, if someone has to assist you to commit suicide, it's not suicide.
Am a Christian who is opposed to the MAID mandate as presented as mostly as cost-saving exercise as opposed to nurturing the elderly and the through their final years. However, have a friend of many years who has terminal cancer and has already chosen MAID when the pain becomes intolerable. I am involved, as the friend who gets to make the decision; I am not happy with this, but care enough for my friend that I will follow the wishes.
Back in the day, an offspring qualified as a vet. And, from that time on, my comment was that Granny's primary care physician was a vet. And it was in many respects true; should I visit my mother and not like what I say, I called the vet in to check things out. Even when Mum ended up in a nursing home for her last few months, the vet kid still kept a close eye on Gran.
As an aside, sister was shocked when I pointed out that - in an emergency - our kid the vet could and would be called up as a medic. Can think of a fair few specialist MDs who would be of lesser help than a veterinarian who has - at the very least - done a fair bit uf surgery and sewing up wounds. "New Hampshire Town Alarmed Due to the Opening of a New 'Diaper Spa' Where Adults Wear Diapers and Pretend to be Babies"
What's that expression? Ah, yes: "If you build it, they will come". And let's not forget King Lear: "O, reason not the need". Education outcome will never improve until the tax funded monopoly is unfunded. Only the student/parent should be funded. It will become increasingly evident that funding the institution is ineffective and immoral. The public school systems most effective accomplishment is producing authoritarian propaganda and brainwashing students.
The Democrats/Biden are brazenly furthering their agenda to flood the country with illegals and to as quickly as possible turn them into voters. Your replacements are here, what are you going to do. Some of the Rinos in congress are eager to pass the bill that will give amnesty to ALL the illegals here now and coming in AND fast track citizenship for all. This is an invasion, pure and simple and the Democrats have abandoned Americans in favor of your replacement voters. What are you going to do about it? Have you ever called or written your congressperson? It's fricking easy, Google "how to call your congress person" and you will see the instructions. You have two senators and one representative, call them. You won't talk to them, you may not even get to talk to a human but you will be able to leave your message and believe me they pay attention. Admittedly if your congress person is one of the more hardened communist Democrats they will still do what they want but they will still keep track of how many calls they get. THEN VOTE. If congress passes this legislation the 2024 election may be the last one where you can make a difference. They are flooding the country with illegals, giving them welfare and they will make them voters and tell them that they will lose the welfare unless they vote for the Democrats. And you know what? I think this plan will succeed. I think it is already too far along and you will lose your job, then your house and then all your rights.
So the border bill is "dead". Well, wait and see. I am betting that Biden will issue some executive orders that will effectively accomplish the same things.