Stuart quotes a bunch from Bret Stephens, a seemingly "moderate" who dislikes Donald Trump. Lots of people dislike Trump's adolescent, hyperbolic blowhard side. At the same time, he did a darn good job.
Ad hominem sets in when policy discussions fail to persuade. I am old enuf to remember Nixon/Hitler, Reagan/Hitler, and Bush/Hitler.
One quote:
Public services paid by taxes exist for people who live here, not just anyone who makes his way into the country by violating its laws. A job market is structured by rules and regulations, not just an endless supply of desperate laborers prepared to work longer for less. A national culture is sustained by common memories, ideals, laws and a language — which newcomers should honor, adopt and learn as a requirement of entry. It isn’t just a giant arrival gate for anyone and everyone who wants to take advantage of American abundance and generosity.
One more:
It said something about the self-deluded state of Western politics when Trump came on the scene that his assertion of the obvious was treated as a moral scandal, at least by the stratum of society that had the least to lose from mass migration. To millions of other Americans, his message, however crudely he may have expressed it, sounded like plain common sense.